springBoot and Vue jointly build a webSocket environment

Welcome to the Markdown editor Hello! This article will teach you how to build Websocket from back-end springCloud to front-end VueEleementAdmin Front end 1. Create the websocket configuration file websocket.js in the utils folder // my-js-file.js import { Notification } from ‘element-ui’ //Expose custom websocket object export const socket = { //Background request path url: […]

The STM32F1 microcontroller uses the HAL library and the LL library to jointly develop the RTC real-time clock to solve the problem of the 24-hour date remaining unchanged in standby mode.

Project requirements: Use STM32F103CBT6 microcontroller to jointly develop the RTC real-time clock through HAL library development and LL library. And the entire device is powered by batteries. Considering the size of the product, it does not use an external clock chip and a backup clock battery. The RTC clock uses the HSE of the microcontroller. […]

Defensive programming under DDD architecture: 5 major levels jointly ensure the validity of business data

1. Rule verification is the basis for accuracy Rule verification is an important means of ensuring business stability. Through rule verification, the correctness and compliance of the system or business logic can be verified and ensured, and potential errors and problems can be avoided. The omission of rules is often accompanied by the emergence of […]

flutter plugins plug-in [3] [Flutter Intl]

3. FlutterIntl Multilingual internationalization on Android Find flutter intl in the Tools menu in Studio to create a multi-language configuration. After creation, it will appear in pubspec.yaml flutter_intl: enabled: true The l10n and generated folders will be generated in the project’s lib l10n includes intl_en.arb intl_zn.arb We add in intl_en.arb { ‘home’: “Home”, } Add […]

A language model that understands 3D is here! UCLA, Shanghai Jiaotong University, MIT, etc. jointly proposed 3D-LLM: performance increased by 9%

Source: Xinzhiyuan This article is about 2500 words, it is recommended to read for 5 minutes With the 3D-language model, navigating to Chongqing is no longer a “chat”! Large-scale language model (LLM) and visual language model (VLM) have shown strong performance in various evaluation benchmarks, such as being able to speak from pictures and performing […]

Flutter internationalization use (flutter_intl plugin use problem)

Article directory background principle Simply put, there are two registration writes and two acquisition reads. 1. The first registration write (Map maintained by the Localizations component) The Map is maintained by the Localizations component How to register, here is an example of the generated internationalization code file l10n.dart 2. The second registration write (Map is […]

Format and grammar in java inheritance, method rewriting, extends, this, super, System, out, println, @Override

Article directory Case number one need father Subclass main method case two need parent class (employee class) Subclass main method this and super Case 1 Requirements Human: (Person) Member variables: name, age Teacher class Member variables: name, age Member method: teach A teacher named Zhang San and aged 30 is giving a lecture Student class […]

Flutter development practice-multilingual flutter intl

Flutter development practice-multilingual flutter intl The previous application used multiple languages, but it has not been sorted out. Here is a summary of the multi-language setup process. Using Android studio 1. flutter_intl plugin Use Android studio to install the flutter_intl plugin. After updating or installing the flutter_intl plugin, you will be prompted to restart the […]

ConstraintLayout usage guide

ConstraintLayout ConstraintLayout lets you create complex large layouts with a flat view hierarchy (no nested viewgroups). It is similar to RelativeLayout, in which all views are laid out according to the relationship between sibling views and parent layout, but its flexibility is higher than RelativeLayout, and it is easier to Works with Android Studio’s layout […]