Observability: Manual instrumentation of .NET applications using OpenTelemetry

Author: David Hope In the fast-paced world of software development, especially in the cloud-native world, DevOps and SRE teams are increasingly becoming critical partners in application stability and growth. DevOps engineers continuously optimize software delivery, while SRE teams act as stewards of application reliability, scalability, and top-level performance. challenge? These teams need a cutting-edge observability […]

Configure manual mode Eth-Trunk

Table of Contents Introduction 1. Experimental purpose 2.Experimental content 2.1 Configuring manual mode Eth-Trunk networking diagram 2.2 Create Eth-Trunk1 on SW1 and SW2 respectively and configure it in manual mode. 2.3 Add member interfaces to the Eth-Trunk interfaces of SW1 and SW2. 2.4 Save configuration 2.5 Check configuration results 2.6 Configuration script 3. Experience Introduction […]

go-gin-vue3-elementPlus manually upload files with parameters

Article directory 1. Overall code flow 1.1 Some examples of global Axios 1.2 Upload business 2. Backend part 3. Test samples Go’s mvc layer uses the gin framework. Generally speaking, gin’s formFile is not as well encapsulated as springboot’s. There are many pitfalls in obtaining values. Of course, there are also many pitfalls in using […]

JavaScript core technology development decryption, JavaScript core reference manual

This article will talk about the core components of JavaScript and the core language objects of JavaScript. I hope it will be helpful to you. Don’t forget to bookmark this site. Article directory 1. Object 1. Object properties 2. Shallow cloning of objects ①Object.assign ② Loop traversal 3. Deep copy of object ① JSON.stringify() ② […]

JVM performance optimization – class loader, manually implement hot loading of classes

1. Hierarchy of class loading mechanism Each written class file with the “.java” extension stores the program logic that needs to be executed. These “.java” files are compiled into files with the extension “.class” by the Java compiler. The “.class” files are saved in According to the virtual machine instructions after the Java code is […]

esp8266 firmware burning user manual

esp8266 Firmware Burning User Manual 1.4 Article directory esp8266 Firmware Burning User Manual 1.4 Burn Required hardware software tools vscode + platformIO flash_download_tools Wiring between socket and USB to TTL module esp8266 old version socket (3-pin base plate) esp8266 new version socket (4-pin base plate) bin firmware and burning address Obtain the detailed burning address […]

Elasticsearch7.8.1 Cluster Installation Manual

1. Deployment instructions The elasticsearch cluster is planned to have three nodes, and the elasticsearch version is 7.8.1 2. Download the installation package 1) Download the Elasticsearch7.8.1 installation package # cd /opt # wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.8.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz 3. Elasticsearch installation 3.1 Unzip cd elasticsearch-7.8.1 # tar -zxvf elasticsearch-7.8.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz 3.2 Modify configuration 1) jvm.options adjust memory size # […]