Source code breakpoint analysis how Spring’s placeholder (Placeholder) works

Placeholders are often used in projects to meet the needs of different configuration information in multiple environments, such as: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <beans xmlns:xsi=”” xmlns=”” xsi:schemaLocation=””> <bean id=”myPropertyPlaceholderBean” class=”com.example.demo1.PropertyPlaceholderBean”> <property name=”myPropertyName” value=”${}” /> </bean> </beans> The attribute myPropertyName is a variable with the ‘${}’ symbol, which is a placeholder. It eventually needs to be […]

GPDB-Miscellaneous Diseases-PlaceHolderVar

GPDB-Miscellaneous Diseases-PlaceHolderVar When upgrading from GPDB5 to GPDB6, the SQL that could be executed in the past cannot be executed. Error: PlaceHolderVar found where not expected! Is the syntax incompatible? postgres=# CREATE TABLE t1( id1 int) WITH (appendonly=true, compresstype=none, blocksize=8192) DISTRIBUTED BY (id1); postgres=# CREATE TABLE t4(id1 int, id2 text ) DISTRIBUTED BY (id1); postgres=# […]

Spring Profile and PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer realize project multi-environment configuration switching

Recently, considering the switching of project configurations in different environments, using profile annotations with PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to switch configuration files, simply wrote a demo to record the implementation. Introduction to basic knowledge @Profile @Profile limits the initialization of spring during bean management by modifying the bean. Only when the activated profile state in the environment corresponds […]

Under the window system, the placeholder of the tinymce rich text editor does not disappear under the Sogou input method

Editor placeholder and content overlap problem under window Sogou input method In this case, there are some compatibility bugs in the tinymce plug-in library. We need to replace the placeholder with our own handwritten style or js. The code is as follows: // Get the content of the rich text box const handleChange = (editorContent) […]

Interpretation of Spring’s context:property-placeholder

In spring, if you want to define some parameters for the program, you can put them in, load this property file through , and then you can automatically assign values to our variables through @value, if your program Possibly running in multiple environments (such as development, test, and production) you can also define multiple […]

Elegantly concatenate strings using the String format method and placeholders

Regardless of the programming language, concatenating strings is a frequent operation. Many languages support concatenating strings by overloading the ” + ” operator, which is also the most common, fast and intuitive way. In addition to splicing with ” + “, some languages also support more advanced splicing methods. Compared with the newer version of […]

How to use slf4j to print logs using both placeholders and exception stack information (still use {} placeholders, no splicing, and no String.format)

Background I had a doubt before, that is, when using the slf4j API to print the error log, if you want to print both parameters and abnormal stack information, the previous part can only be concatenated with strings, such as log.error(“error msg,request param1:” + param1 + “param2:” + param2 + “,param3” + param3, e); The […]

[026] C++ inline functions, function overloading, function default parameters and placeholder parameters

C++’s inline functions, function overloading, function default parameters and placeholder parameters introduction 1. Inline functions 1.1. Declaring inline functions 1.2. The difference between macro functions and inline functions 1.3. Precautions for inline functions 2. Function overloading 2.1. Overview of function overloading 2.2. Conditions for function overloading 2.3. The underlying implementation principle of function overloading Third, […]

tensorflow 2.0, neural network: sine fitting, AttributeError: module ‘tensorflow’ has no attribute ‘placeholder’ error

New beginners, after installing anaconda, set up the python operating environment, and follow the instructions of the predecessors, enter the first neural network training: sine fitting. import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def gen_data(): x = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,100) x = np.reshape(x,(len(x),1)) #Retransform x into a two-dimensional array of (100,1) y […]