go logger does not invade business code, replace zap with slog and implement callerSkip

Quick experience The following is the method of using logger after replacing zap with slog in the project. It is the same as before the replacement, without any perception. package main import “github.com/webws/go-moda/logger” func main() { // Format printing {“time”:”2023-09-08T01:25:21.313463 + 08:00″,”level”:”INFO”,”msg”:” info hello slog”,”key”:”value”,”file”:”/Users/xxx/w/pro/go-moda/example/logger/main.go”,\ “line”:6} logger.Infow(“info hello slog”, “key”, “value”) // Print json logger.Debugw(“debug […]

ConcurrentSkipListMap source code solution

ConcurrentSkipListMap source code solution Previously we learned about the implementation of ConcurrentHashMap. In this article we will learn about Map combination based on skip table implementation. Introduction of core members private static final Object BASE_HEADER = new Object(); // Special value of the head of the data linked list private transient volatile HeadIndex<K,V> head; // […]

Zuul forwards https requests and feign to the backend service (https) skipping SSL certificate verification

Due to security requirements, our service full link https 1. Web page: packaged and placed in nginx nginx dockerfile and configuration: NginxDockerfile: #NginxDockerfile FROM nginx MAINTAINER xxx “[email protected]” WORKDIR /usr/share/nginx/html/ COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/ COPY mime.types /etc/nginx/ COPY default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf RUN sed -i “s#443#8000#g” /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf COPY lulu_sit.tar.gz /usr/share/nginx/html RUN mkdir -p /var/log/nginx & amp; & amp; […]

Marking use cases of pytest automated testing framework (specify execution, skip use cases, expected failure)

The mark module provided in pytest can realize many functions, such as: Mark use cases, that is, label skip, skipif marks skip, skip skips the current use case, if skipif matches the situation, skip the current use case xfail marks an expected failure Tag use case Sometimes we may not need to execute all the […]

[C++] File operations (including special cases: spaces encountered in reading files are skipped, “files are only read once”)

author: & Carlton tag: C++ topic: [C ++] file operations (includes special cases: spaces encountered in reading files are skipped, “files are only read once”) website: Dark Horse Programmer C++ date: July 31, 2023 Directory text file write file source code file status read file source code operation result binary file write file source code […]

The solution to NonSkippableReadException encountered when migrating millions of data from different data sources in Spring batch

The solution to NonSkippableReadException when migrating millions of data from different data sources in Spring batch problem background Mental journey problem causes problem solved Question background The requirements are special, and data needs to be migrated from different data sources. Because the amount of data involved in the migration is relatively large, I want to […]

Code Caprice [String] Skip the KMP Algorithm

The main content of this article is shown in the outline below: 1. Reverse string link Write a function that reverses the input string. The input string is given as a char[] array of characters. Don’t allocate extra space for another array, you have to modify the input array in-place, using O(1) extra space to […]

IDE /skipping incompatible xxx_d.dll when searching for -lxxx_d

Article directory overview Scene recurrence code to test Compiler bitness mismatch causes? Keep Compiler Types Consistent Revalidate the impact of compiler bitness Why doesn’t the library calling the OS under MingW give an alarm? Take the use of winSocket under mingW as an example Header file analysis of network programming under MingW Where is the […]