CSS Effect 002: Various mouseover effects

100 common CSS examples + column directory This column records frequently used CSS examples and techniques, mainly including CSS layout, CSS special effects, and CSS lace information. Among them, CSS layout mainly lists some commonly used CSS layout information points, CSS special effects mainly include some animation examples, and CSS lace describes some CSS-related libraries, […]

R language EG (Engle-Granger) two-step cointegration test, RESET, Granger causality test, VAR model to analyze the time series relationship between CPI and PPI…

Full text link: http://tecdat.cn/?p=31108 As basic indicators for measuring inflation, the relationship and transmission mechanism of consumer price index CPI and producer price index PPI have always been core issues in macroeconomic research. (Click “Read the original text” at the end of the article to get the completecode data) . Research on this issue obviously […]

(C++17) Variant usage compared with union

Article directory Preface and requirements union memory map C++11 union use ref example structure Ordinary structure Blanking emplace monostate access std::get std::holds_alternative Get pointer std::get_if Get the optional number std::variant_size END Foreword and requirements Union is a concept that has existed since the C language era. Mainly used in some scenarios with large memory limitations. […]

Azure DevOps YAML files have different output variables and conditions for different stages, jobs, and tasks.

Application of stage, job, task and condition in YAML Introduction Resource preparation structural relationship Code writing (task) Define variables within task task condition gets variable value task code explanation Test task code Code writing (job) job variable definition Get job variable value job condition job code explanation Test job code Code writing (stage) stage code […]

uc_01_Computer system layering_environment variables_error handling

1. Computer system layering 1. What is an operating system? The operating system is a system software that manages computer hardware and software resources, referred to as OS. 2. Computer system layering: The operating system manages the computer’s hardware resources through drivers. The operating system interacts with the user through system calls. The operating system […]

The Qsort function implements sorting of elements in various types of arrays (simple idea)

Table of Contents Function introduction Function use case: (1) Sorting of int arrays (2) Sorting of char array (3) Sorting floating-point arrays (4) Sorting of structure types (5) Imitate the function of qsort to implement a general bubble sort Function introduction Function:Quickly sort the array elements in the pointed array Header file: stdlib.h Function prototype:void […]

Implement various notifications of AOP based on annotations

1.Introduce aop related dependencies <!– spring-aop dependency –> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-aop</artifactId> <version>6.0.2</version> </dependency> <!– spring aspects dependency–> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-aspects</artifactId> <version>6.0.2</version> </dependency> 2. Create target resources ①Interface public interface Calculator { int add(int i,int j); int sub(int i,int j); int mul(int i,int j); int div(int i,int j); } ②Implementation class @Component public class CalculatorImpl implements […]