Solve the problems encountered by UniAD when running under high versions of CUDA and pytorch

UniAD is oriented to driving planning set perception (target detection and tracking) and mapping (not mapping the environment like SLAM, but real-time panoramic segmentation of roads and isolation zones in images) It is a unified large model that integrates multi-task modules such as trajectory planning and occupancy prediction. The installation instructions on the official website […]

Handling the problem of out-of-synchronization of data from the database in Mysql8.0 version

Handling the problem of out-of-synchronization of slave data in Mysql8.0 version Situation 1: Error during synchronization During the synchronization process of the slave database, the master database deletes data. 1. The slave database does not synchronize the data of the master database Cause analysis: Caused by data synchronization error. Operation from library show slave status\G […]

Compile and deploy the arm64 version of Mongodb5.0.18

Compile and deploy the arm64 version of Mongodb5.0.18 MongoDB source code compilation Prepare installation package Upload: /opt/package Unzip: tar -zxvf /opt/package/mongo-r5.0.18.tar.gz -C /opt/package View the build documentation, which contains detailed instructions and requires the server to meet the conditions. cat /opt/package/mongo-r5.0.18/docs/ Install gcc Download address: Upload: /opt/package Unzip: gcc-9.5.0.tar.gz tar -zxvf /opt/package/gcc-9.5.0.tar.gz -C […]

Kylin KYLINIOS software warehouse construction 03-add new version of software package to software warehouse

Original link: Kylin KYLINIOS software warehouse construction 03-adding new version of software package to software warehouse Hello, everyone, today I bring you article 03 on how to build a software warehouse for the Kirin desktop operating system – adding a new version of the software package to the software warehouse. This article mainly introduces how […]

[Python&GIS] Implementing raster to surface and surface to raster (conversion between raster and vector) based on Python

Hello everyone, I have another article. Recently, my colleagues were working on ecological service-related projects and needed to operate vector data, so I checked the relevant information. Today I will share with you how to use Python’s GDAL library to implement raster to feature and feature to raster ( Convert raster and vector to each […]

[Update] C language simply simulates Gaussian ants: random walk problem (compressed version)

At the request of some people, the number of lines of code has been violently compressed. If it is not easy to read, please see [Update] C language to simply simulate Gaussian ants: random walk problem #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <Windows.h> #include <time.h> #include “unistd.h” #define NumberOfAnts 100///Constant […]

window-docker-compose builds elk: 7.X (detailed version, current version 7.17)

Table of Contents Directory Structure installation steps 1. Writing docker-compose.yml 2. es_master.yml configuration of elasticsearch config 3. kibana.yml configuration of kibana’s config 4. Elasticsearch creates a secure authentication user 5. Create a Kibana keystore and add configuration (that is, store the es user and password in the keystore, and use ES with security authentication for […]

nginx+ffmpeg+rtsp+rtmp/http-flv streaming media service construction [full version]

nginx + ffmpeg + rtsp + rtmp/http-flv streaming media service construction [full version] Install nginx and its dependencies gcc installation yum -y install gcc gcc-c + + pcre installation #If you can’t pull it down, you can directly copy the link to the browser to download. I successfully downloaded it directly from the browser, and […]

flink tests map conversion function and process function

Background In flink, we need to unit test the map conversion function and process processing function we wrote. The test content includes checking whether the output results of the function are consistent and whether the status within the function is updated correctly. This article records several test processes. Main points Test function in flink First, […]