three.js implements sunshine analysis and simulates changes in the sun’s altitude angle and azimuth angle based on local (dimension and time)

1. Analysis Recently, there was a need to do a solar illumination simulation for a certain building, and the sunlight changes from 8 o’clock to 17 o’clock. To better simulate the changes of the sun throughout the day, we only need to know the solar altitude angle and solar azimuth angle of the current observation […]

[Docker] Docker Compose service dependencies and health checks

docker compose environment variables To increase security, add redis password verification in the previous python example, and the password is obtained from the environment variable: from flask import Flask from redis import StrictRedis import os import socket app = Flask(__name__) redis = StrictRedis(host=os.environ.get(‘REDIS_HOST’, ‘’), port=6379, password=os.environ.get(‘REDIS_PASS’)) @app.route(‘/’) def hello(): redis.incr(‘hits’) return f”Hello Container World! I […]

Prometheus connects to AlterManager to configure email alerts (deployed based on K8S environment)

Article directory 1. Configure AlterManager to send alarms to email 2. Prometheus accesses AlterManager configuration 3. Deploy Prometheus + AlterManager (put it in a Pod) 4. Test alarm Note: Please do this experiment based on the article Prometheus + Grafana monitoring K8S cluster (deployment based on K8S environment). 1. Configure AlterManager to send alarms to […]

Design and implementation based on Java Wealth Management System (source code + lw + deployment documents + explanation, etc.)

Blogger Introduction: ?300,000+ fans across the entire network, csdn guest author, blog expert, CSDN Rising Star Program mentor, high-quality creator in the Java field, Blog Star, Nuggets / Huawei Cloud / Alibaba Cloud / InfoQ and other platforms are high-quality authors, focusing on the field of Java technology and practical graduation projects? Contact for source […]

nginx smoothly upgrades to add echo module, localtion configuration, and rewrite configuration

nginx smoothly upgrades to add echo module, location configuration, and rewrite configuration Article directory nginx smoothly upgrades to add echo module, location configuration, and rewrite configuration 1.Environmental description: 2.nginx smooth upgrade principle: 3. Smoothly upgrade nginx and add echo module 3.1. View the current nginx version and old version compilation parameter information 3.2. Download nginx-1.24.0 […]

[Android] How to apply for positioning | storage | dynamic permissions for sports and health + the problem of applying for permissions without pop-ups

Directory 1 How to apply for permission related codes 2 Demos for applying for permissions (including positioning, storage, satellite, sports and health) 3 Some reasons why there is no pop-up window when applying for permission 1 Related codes on how to apply for permission Take Targeting permissions as an example Add a user permission statement […]

Several implementation methods of alternate printing between three threads

Foreword Alternate printing of threads actually involves communication between threads. Below, three alternate printing methods for inter-thread communication and one non-inter-thread communication implementation method are introduced. Thread communication method 1. synchronized + wait & amp;notify/notifyAll synchronized is a keyword in Java that is used to implement mutually exclusive access to shared resources. wait and notify/notifyAll […]

Alternatives to Transform in Gradle8.0

1. Routing plug-in design ideas Transform was removed in Gradle 8.0. From the official document “Android Gradle Plug-in API Update”, it can be seen that it does not provide a direct replacement API, but provides several corresponding solutions based on different scenarios. In the previous article “Plug-in Development Based on Gradle 8.0”, based on the […]

Design and implementation of campus mental health website based on Java (source code + lw + deployment documents + explanation, etc.)

Blogger Introduction: ?300,000+ fans across the entire network, csdn guest author, blog expert, CSDN Rising Star Program mentor, high-quality creator in the Java field, Blog Star, Nuggets / Huawei Cloud / Alibaba Cloud / InfoQ and other platforms are high-quality authors, focusing on the field of Java technology and practical graduation projects? Contact for source […]