Call Stack (most recent call first): /opt/ros/humble/share/rosidl_cmake/cmake/rosidl_generate_inte

Call Stack (most recent call first): /opt/ros/humble/share/rosidl_cmake/cmake/rosidl_generate_interfaces.cmake:130 (rosidl_adapt_interfaces) CMakeLists.txt:13 (rosidl_generate_interfaces) — stderr: example_ros2_interfaces CMake Error at /opt/ros/humble/share/rosidl_adapter/cmake/rosidl_adapt_interfaces.cmake:59 (message): execute_process(/home/gkj/miniconda3/bin/python3.10 -m rosidl_adapter –package-name example_ros2_interfaces –arguments-file /home/gkj/d2lros2/chapt3/chapt3_ws/build/example_ros2_interfaces/rosidl_adapter__arguments__example_ros2_interfaces.json –output-dir /home/gkj/d2lros2/chapt3/chapt3_ws/build/example_ros2_interfaces/rosidl_adapter/example_ros2_interfaces –output-file /home/gkj/d2lros2/chapt3/chapt3_ws/build/example_ros2_interfaces/rosidl_adapter/example_ros2_interfaces.idls) returned error code 1: Traceback (most recent call last): File “/home/gkj/miniconda3/lib/python3.10/”, line 196, in _run_module_as_main return _run_code(code, main_globals, None, File “/home/gkj/miniconda3/lib/python3.10/”, line 86, in _run_code exec(code, […]

GD32F427 serial port idle interrupt DMA transceiver

Recently, I used GD32F427 to switch from the original ST HAL library to the GD library. It took a while to adjust the serial port DMA transceiver of GD32F427. Let’s go directly to the code. The same set of codes has adjusted USART0, USART1, USART2, and USART5. This article takes USART0 as an example. First […]

uCOSIII real-time operating system 6 Internal tasks (idle function)

Table of Contents Idle tasks: Clock beat tasks: Statistical tasks: Scheduled tasks: Interrupt service management tasks: Hook function: Hook function for idle tasks: Idle task hook function experiment: Hook functions for other tasks: Idle task: Introduction: When a task needs to be delayed and enters a blocking state, what does the CPU do? If there […]

[Recommended topics for computer majors] Java-based bidding system for campus idle items

Author’s homepage: Computer graduate IT treasure Wonderful column recommended subscription: In the column below ? Java practical project Article directory Java practical projects 1. Project introduction 2. Introduction to project functions 3. Development environment 4. Project display 5. Code display 6. Project Summary Everyone can like, collect, follow, and leave messages if you have any […]

mybatis-plus optimization-rewriteBatchedStatements improves rapidly

mysql official document:rewriteBatchedStatements related introduction Next, we use the WWW method to understand rewriteBatchedStatements 1. What is it? rewriteBatchedStatements is a new setting parameter added in Mysql version 3.1.13. indicates whether to enable the batch update rewrite function. true means on, false means off (Default); Many articles on the Internet say that drivers of version […]

STM32CUBEMX_DMA serial port idle interrupt reception + receive and send buffer

STM32CUBEMX_DMA serial port idle interrupt reception + receive and send buffer Foreword: The ways I know about serial port receiving instructions are: Insert picture description here 1. Receive data interrupt + specific frame end 2. Receive data interrupt + idle interrupt 3. DMA reception + idle interrupt I recommend the third option the most, especially […]

Idle rotation seurat spatial rotate image flip data structure object seurat’s idle data storage

1seurat subset operation 3. Object operations ① Use the @ and $ symbols on the structure diagram to get the ② Two bracket operations, pbmc[[ ]]. In the tutorial, pbmc[[‘percent.MT’]] adds the percent.MT column to pbmc[[]], the square brackets refer to the secondary data name in the above structure diagram What is the difference […]

Analysis of kernel source code based on aarch64 5: idle process (process 0)

1. Reference linux – Process No. 0, Process No. 1, Process No. 2 – Flowing Light – Blog Park ( Linux Process No.0, Process No.1, Process No.2_Process No.0 and Process No.1-CSDN Blog 2. Creation process of idle process start_kernel –> arch_call_rest_init –> rest_init –> cpu_startup_entry –> while(1) { do_idle(); } After the start_kernel function completes […]


STM32F103 USART1 IDLE flag will be automatically cleared after entering the interrupt ISR Currently, when receiving Modbus Frame of variable length, it is still based on RXNE. I want to try using STM32 DMA + USART IDLE to see if I can reduce the number of interrupts/CPU usage. Data transmission frequency is low, length RX […]