Reduce Kubernetes cluster costs with kube-downscaler

New Titanium Cloud Server has shared with you a total of 772 pieces of technical information. Introduction Kube-downscaler is an open source tool that allows users to define when pod resources in Kubernetes are automatically scaled down. This helps reduce infrastructure costs by reducing resource usage during off-peak hours. In this article, we will detail […]

Dice painting—–Select a grayscale image and convert it into a painting composed of dice graphics.

#include “Windows.h” #include “stdio.h” #include “string.h” #include “malloc.h” #include <iostream> #include “time.h” #pragma warning(suppress: 4996) using namespace std; unsigned char* pBmpBuf;//Pointer to read image data int bmpWidth;//The width of the image int bmpHeight;//Height of the image RGBQUAD* pColorTable;//Color table pointer int biBitCount;//Image type, bits per pixel //Dice image: 16*16 two-dimensional array int touzi1[16][16] = { […]

Opencv C++ 6. Grayscale transformation: linear transformation, grayscale inversion, logarithmic transformation, gamma transformation, (adaptive) histogram equalization

1. Principle of grayscale transformation: The original image pixel gray value r is mapped to a gray value s through the transformation function T: s=T(r). 2. Grayscale transformation method: Linear transformation (brightness and contrast adjustment): Principle: Linear transformation is a simple method of adjusting brightness and contrast by applying a linear transformation formula to the […]

EfficientFormerV2: Reexamining whether ViT can reach the scale and speed of MobileNet

Journal: 2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Title: Rethinking Vision Transformers (ViT) for MobileNet Size and Speed (MobileNet Size and Speed) –Reexamining whether ViT can achieve the scale and speed of MobileNet Paper: Source code: GitHub – snap-research/EfficientFormer: EfficientFormerV2 [ICCV 2023] & amp; EfficientFormer [NeurIPs 2022] Table of Contents 1. Abstract 2. […]

Digital image processing experiment – Convert “original image.bmp” into a grayscale image, and perform histogram equalization on the resulting grayscale image; use histogram specification algorithm to process the three RGB channels of “original image.bmp” The histograms are changed to be consistent with “reference image.bmp”

1. Experimental objectives 1. Understand and apply the concept and application of histograms to analyze and process images. 2. Understand and apply the concept of histogram equalization and perform related image processing 3. Master the histogram specification algorithm and perform histogram specification processing and analysis on samples 4. Convert the “original image.bmp” into a grayscale […]

Solve sklearn.exceptions.NotFittedError: This StandardScaler instance is not fitted yet. Call fit wi

Table of Contents Solve sklearn.exceptions.NotFittedError: This StandardScaler instance is not fitted yet. Call ‘fit’ with appropriate arguments before using this estimator. Problem Description solution 1. Check code logic 2. Use Pipeline 3. Use fit_transform in conclusion Practical application scenario: house price prediction Introduction to scikit-learn Features Common uses Sample code Resolve sklearn.exceptions.NotFittedError: This StandardScaler instance […]

[mmdetection] featmap_strides and finest_scale in ROIExtractor

Featmap_strides is wrong and results in no performance When I used FasterRCNN to run my own data set, I found that there was almost no performance (0.8%). Later I found the reason and found that it was: In FasterRCNN, the featmap_strides of the SingleROIExtractor in the second stage is written as [8, 16, 32, 64] […]

Multi-scale detection methods in target detection

references This paper provides a comprehensive overview of multi-scale detection methods in target detection, starting from many aspects such as reducing the downsampling rate and dilated convolution, multi-scale training, optimizing Anchor size design, deep and shallow feature fusion, etc., and introduces many aspects. Scale detection related methods. previous words Traditional convolutional networks usually adopt a […]

echarts sets the colors of different vertical intervals, and the x-axis customizes the axis scale range.

Requirement: Set the vertical range interval. Different range intervals have different colors and different prompt information. Then modify the fixed spacing range of the x-axis, so that 0-200-400-600 is changed to 0-340-476-754. Here I It is implemented using markLine. Here I also use the flipping of the x-axis so that the display is mirrored. 1. […]