How to obtain the detection index APs of small targets? ——Dataset Yolo format generates json file

It’s such a simple thing, but I worked on it for several days for no reason. I was very depressed, so I just started without saying much. First, you must have a data set in YoLo format. Starting from the simplest, you need image data and corresponding txt tag data of the yolo type. (The […]

[Data structure binary tree] Pre-order level establishment, recursive non-recursive traversal, level-order traversal, tree height, mirror, symmetry, subtree, merge, target path, weighted path sum, etc.

Binary tree Article directory Binary tree 1. Creation of binary tree (recursive creation, structure pointer form) 1.1. Preorder establishment 1.2. Establishment of layer sequence 2. Recursive traversal (structure pointer) 2.1. Preorder traversal 2.2. In-order traversal 2.3. Postorder traversal 3. Non-recursive traversal (structure pointer) 3.1. Level traversal 3.2. Postorder traversal (non-recursive) 4. Find the height of […]

Transformer-based decode target detection framework (modify DETR source code)

Tip: Transformer structure target detection decoder, including loss calculation, with source code attached Article directory Preface 1. Interpretation of main function code 1. Understanding the overall structure 2. Main function code interpretation 3. Source code link 2. Interpretation of decode module code 1. Interpretation of decoded TransformerDec module code 2. Interpretation of decoded TransformerDecoder module […]

Open flame smoke target detection project deployment (YoloV5+Flask)

Open flame smoke target detection project deployment Article directory Open flame smoke target detection project deployment 1. Pull the Docker PyToch image 2. Configure the system environment 2.1 Change software source 2.2 Download vim 2.3 Solve the problem of Chinese garbled characters in vim 3. Run the project 3.1 Copy the project to the container […]

[Target Detection] Flask+Docker deploys YOLOv5 applications on the server

Foreword I have seen many articles explaining the use of Flask to deploy YOLOv5, but they basically stopped running locally. Therefore, I plan to go one step further and use Docker to deploy YOLOv5 on the cloud server, so that it can be opened to others for use. Code repository: Local deployment The local […]

Traditional moving target detection algorithms-frame difference method, optical flow method, background subtraction method

1. Moving target detection Motion Object Detection is an important task in the field of computer vision and image processing, aiming to detect and track moving target objects from videos or image sequences. These target objects can be people, vehicles, animals or other objects, and the goal of moving target detection is to accurately locate, […]

Track targets using opencv’s tracking module

OpenCV tracking module algorithm introduction OpenCV’s tracking module is a powerful tracking algorithm library that contains a variety of algorithms for tracking objects. It helps you locate an object such as a face, eye, vehicle, etc. in consecutive video frames. In the OpenCV tracking module, some of the main tracking algorithms include: Sparse optical flow: […]

Step-by-step tutorial on rotating frame target detection mmrotate v0.3.4

Table of Contents Article directory Rotating target detection mmrotate What to do: Advantage: Five steps to implement mmrotate Environment installation Dataset processing roLabelImg label Configuration file settings Dataset configuration file Modification of model files Model training Model testing Rotating target detection mmrotate What to do: Rotating target detection frame task Advantages: Reproduce the paper from […]