Disk partitioning, formatting, verification and mounting —- fdisk, mkfs, mount

Disk partitioning, formatting, verification and mounting Disk management is very important. When we want to add a new disk to the system, we should perform the following steps: Divide the disk to create usable hard disk partitions (fdisk/gdisk) Format the hard drive partition to create a system-usable file system (mkfs) Check the newly created file […]

JavaScript uses regular expressions to achieve email verification effect—–JavaScript

<!DOCTYPE html> <!– This is an HTML comment –> <html lang=”en” id=”myHtml”> <head> <!– This does not set the encoding, but tells the browser what encoding method to use to open the file to avoid garbled characters –> <meta charset=”UTF-8″> <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″> <title>HtmlAll</title> <style type=”text/css”> #div1{ background-color: aquamarine; width: 300px; height: 300px; border: […]

yml configuration file syntax-interceptor-request parameter verification

1.ymlConfiguration file syntax 1. Configure custom data 1.1 Configure common data Syntax: key: value name: kaifamiao 1.2 Configuration object data Grammar 1: key: ? key1: value1; ? key2: value2; person: name: zhangsan age: 19 Grammar 2: key: {key1: value1,key: value2} person1: {<!– –>name: lisi,age: 21} 1.3 Configure Mapdata Same configuration object data 1.4 Configuration array […]

A must read! Revealed N Practical Tips for SpringBoot Interface Parameter Verification

Original Springboot practical case collection Spring Family Bucket practical case source code 2023-11-08 08:35 Published in Xinjiang Spring Family Bucket practical case source code Detailed explanation of spring, springboot, springcloud case development 376 original content No public Environment: SpringBoot2.6.12 In actual development work, most interfaces need to verify the validity of parameters. The parameters may […]

Verification history of pyinstaller error troubleshooting

The following error occurs when pyinstaller is packaged. It is obviously caused by the path being escaped or historical migration. Error path:OSError: [WinError 123] The file name, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. : D:\t_job\x07naconda3_20201121\Lib\site-packages’ Installation path:File “D:\11_job\anaconda3_20201121\ (base) H:\Data Collation-222\pyMyproject\001 Module Verification\pyinstall Verification>pyinstaller -c -F create_file.py 7043 INFO: PyInstaller: 6.1.0 7044 INFO: […]

JSR303 verification usage and how to customize verification annotations

One, JSR303 JSR303 is a standard framework provided by Java for Bean data validity verification. It has been included in JavaEE6.0. JSR303 specifies verification rules by annotating standard annotations such as @NotNull @Max in Bean attributes and passes standard verification. The interface verifies the Bean. 2, JSR303 common annotations Annotation Function @Null The annotated element […]

How does the Spring Boot project elegantly implement interface signature verification?

1 Concept 1. Open interface Open interfaces refer to interfaces that are allowed to be called by third-party systems without requiring login credentials. In order to prevent open interfaces from being called maliciously, open interfaces generally require signature verification before they can be called. Systems that provide open interfaces are collectively referred to as “original […]

[form verification] 3.0 project multi-layer list nesting

const {<!– –> required, phoneOrMobile } = CjmForm.rules; export default function detail() {<!– –> const {<!– –> query } = getRouterInfo(location); const formRef = useRef(null); const [crumbList, setCrumbList] = useState([ {<!– –> url: “/wenling/Reviewer”, name: “Auditor”, }, {<!– –> name: query.type == “look” ? “View” : “Edit”, }, ]); const [form, setForm] = useState({<!– –> […]