Where are the function settings in Toutiao? How to open the settings in Toutiao?

Hello everyone, let me share with you where to find the general settings of Toutiao. Many people still don’t know this. Let’s explain it in detail below. Now let’s take a look! DAY01-Dark Horse Headlines PC 01-Project-Brief Introduction Toutiao, news client. Not only the function of browsing news, but also the function of publishing news […]

Solve the problem of executing the backup mysql container command connected to the docker where the springboot project is deployed

Article directory Problem Description Solutions problem solved Container build mysql client installation Container-host interaction Execute the mysqldump command in docker Solve mysql8 password verification problem Resolve password plugin warnings Problem description Because 1panel’s visual panel is used to deploy springboot projects, it is easy to install and use mysql, redis and other environments. In addition, […]

MyBatis dynamic statements where/if, set, trim, choose/when/otherwise, foreach tag, and sql fragments

1. Environment preparation 1. Prepare the database and insert data CREATE TABLE `t_emp` ( emp_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, emp_name CHAR(100), emp_salary DOUBLE(10, 5), PRIMARY KEY (emp_id) ); INSERT INTO `t_emp`(emp_name,emp_salary) VALUES(“tom”,200.33); INSERT INTO `t_emp`(emp_name,emp_salary) VALUES(“jerry”,666.66); INSERT INTO `t_emp`(emp_name,emp_salary) VALUES(“andy”,777.77); 2. Write entity classes package com.suchuanlin.pojo; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Data; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; @Data @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor public class […]

MyBatis (where, set, foreach) tag

where tag A condition “1=1” was added to the SQL statement in the previous section. If this condition is not added, it may become an incorrect statement like the following. SELECT id,name,url,age,country FROM website AND name LIKE CONCAT(‘%’,#{name},’%’) Obviously the above statement will cause SQL syntax exceptions, but adding a condition like “1=1” is very […]

Bugku sql injection Boolean-based SQL blind injection classic question where information filtering

Table of Contents Bypass spaces /**/Bypass () bypass Enter to bypass ·(key button) bypass equal sign bypass Bypass, (comma) use substr There are basic bypasses below Comment bypass /**/Bypass #Bypass /*Comment content*/Bypass //comment bypass Case bypass Bypass information filtering Simple blast table name bugku Boolean-based SQL blind injection_bugku Boolean-based SQL blind injection-CSDN blog The questions […]

Introduction to Database SystemSingle table query of data query. Detailed explanation of WHERE, OEDER BY, GROUP BY and HAVING

Foreword? Single table query Select several columns in a table Query a calculated value Select several tuples (rows) in a table Eliminate rows with duplicate values Query tuples that meet the conditions (WHERE) Sort query results (ORDER BY) aggregate function Group query results (GROUP BY) grateful Total writing time for this article: 1h9min Total word […]

Netty explains in simple terms (IO everywhere)

Why Netty Netty was developed to solve the complexity of network programming and provide an easy-to-use, high-performance and scalable framework. It simplifies the process of developing network applications by providing a set of reusable components that handle the low-level details of network communication, such as socket management, threading, and buffering. This allows developers to focus […]

Top 10 scenarios where MySQL index does not take effect

Foreword Indexes play an important role in databases, which can speed up queries, improve database performance, and reduce resource consumption. An index is a data structure built on a table or view that can quickly locate and access data, especially in large data tables. Index failure leads to full table scan: When the query conditions […]

Play with Mysql Series – Part 25: A brief analysis of the extraction and application of where conditions in sql in the database

Problem description How is a piece of SQL executed in the database? I believe many people will be interested in this issue. Of course, it is a very huge problem to completely describe the life cycle of a SQL in the database, covering a series of steps such as SQL lexical parsing, syntax parsing, permission […]