“The charm of the GUI graphical interface, the secure communication of the SSH protocol and the efficient development of IDEA integrated with Git”

Article directory introduction 1. Practical application of GUI graphical interface 2. Secure communication using SSH protocol What is SSH? git/github generates the key and passes Remote github warehouse configuration 3. Quick start guide for integrating Git with IDEA Summarize Introduction In the field of computer science, a graphical user interface (GUI) is a user interface […]

Four Arrays (2) Advanced Applications and Characters and Character Arrays

4. Array (2) Advanced Applications and Characters and Character Arrays 1. Array-table-driven method-bool type Table-driven method is also called table-driven and table-driven method. “Table” is a very useful data structure that is discussed in almost all data structure textbooks. The table-driven approach is a method that allows you to look up information in a table […]

The most complete collection of love codes in the history of C language and C++, with color flashing, character filling, and source code attached

The first type: red love code Go directly to the code: #include<stdio.h> #include<Windows.h> int main() {<!– –> system(” color 0c”);//Design program color printf(“It is a very happy thing to meet you, I love you!!!\\ “);//Print text \t float x,y,a;//define variables x,y,a \t for(y=1.5f;y>-1;y-=0.1f) {<!– –> for(x=-1.5f;x<1.5f;x + =.05f){<!– –> a=x*x + y*y-1; putchar(a*a*a-x*x*y*y*y<0.0f?’x’:’ ‘); } […]

Characterizing time series using recurrence plot

In this article, I will show how to use Recurrence Plots to describe different types of time series. We will look at various simulated time series with 500 data points. We can visually characterize a time series by visualizing its recurrence plot and comparing it to other known recurrence plots of different time series. Recursive […]

[NNLM] Paper implementation: A Neural Probabilistic Language Model [Yoshua Bengio, Rejean Ducharme, Pascal Vincent]

A Neural Probabilistic Language Model 1. Complete code 1.1 Python complete program 2. Interpretation of thesis 2.1 Objectives 3. Process Realization 3.1 Tensorflow model 3.2 Data preparation 3.3 Data training and prediction 4. Overall summary Thesis: A Neural Probabilistic Language Model Author: Yoshua Bengio; Rejean Ducharme and Pascal Vincent Time: 2000 1. Complete code This […]

The use of data, the creation of table relationships, and the request life cycle flow chart of the Django framework

Table of Contents 1. Add, delete, modify and check data 1. Display of user list 2. Modify the logical analysis of data 3. Analysis of deletion function 2. How to create table relationships 3. Django’s request life cycle flow chart 1. Add, delete, modify and check data 1. Display of user list Query all user […]

React recursive handwritten flow chart displays tree data

Requirements Draw a flow chart display based on the data structure of the tree, and support the addition of previous level, next level, sibling and deletion functions (it is convenient to mark nodes, and the node data is displayed as a label, and it is processed according to the situation in actual business) File structure […]

vue3 + ts + echarts 3d pie chart

<template> <div class=”water-eval-container”> <div class=”cityGreenLand-charts” id=”cityGreenLand-charts”></div> <!– Base background –> <div class=”bg”></div> </div> </template> <script lang=”ts”> import {<!– –> getCurrentInstance } from ‘vue’ import {<!– –> inject, onMounted, Ref, ref, markRaw, watch, computed, nextTick } from ‘vue’ import ‘echarts-gl’ export default {<!– –> name: ‘echartsCom’, setup() {<!– –> const {<!– –> proxy } = getCurrentInstance() […]

Popular all over the Internet! You can use Pyecharts to create “migration charts” and “carousel charts”

1. Review of pyecharts knowledge points 1) Knowledge review We have already described how to use pyecharts to draw graphics, which involves the following four steps. Today we will follow the following steps to draw the migration chart and carousel chart. ① Select the chart type; ② Declare the graphics class and add data; ③ […]