Feiteng ARM UOS compiles Qt 5.15.2 source code and Qt Creator

Background Under the ARM architecture, the UOS system requires the use of the Qt 5.15.2 version environment, so the Qt environment can only be deployed through source code compilation. Software and hardware related information: Processor: Phytium FT-2000 4 core Manufacturer: Phytium Architecture: aarch 64 Family: ARMv8 System: UOS V 20 1060 Kernel: 4.19.0-arm 64-desktop Download […]

BGP route reflector experiment example

1. Understanding route reflectors: To ensure connectivity between IBGP peers, a full connection relationship needs to be established between IBGP peers. Assuming that there are n devices within an AS, the number of IBGP connections established is n(n-1)/2. When there are a large number of devices, the device configuration will be very complicated, and the […]

Storage structure and query performance optimization of ClickHouse primary key index

Table of Contents Storage structure and query performance optimization of ClickHouse primary key index 1. Storage structure of primary key index 2. Query performance optimization methods 2.1. Use primary key index table 2.2. Column storage and data compression 2.3. Merge engine (MergeTree) 2.4. Data copy in conclusion Sample code: Use ClickHouse for e-commerce sales data […]

Monitoring tool: Prometheus monitoring middleware (Nginx, Redis, MySql, etc.)

Our products currently use middleware such as Nginx, Redis, RabbitMQ, MySql, etc. This article introduces how to use Promtheus to monitor these middleware. There is a picture in “Monitoring Tool: Introduction and Installation of Prometheus” that shows the data trend of Prometheus, as follows: As can be seen from the figure, the first step in […]

Pytorch installation and configuration in pycharm and jupyter-CPU detailed version

1. Create a virtual environment conda create -n virtual environment name python=3.6 It prompts me that I have already created this virtual environment, select y. After creation, the following screen is displayed Check again whether the creation is successful Enter the following command conda env list From the picture below, you can see that it […]

The entire process of publishing an iOS app developed with uni-app to the App Store

1.0.3 20200927 Update the official status of the app review process. Note: The latest review will be followed up by synchronizing another record in the community with AppStore review rejection reasons and solutions. : Apple development and listing FAQ | appuploader usage tutorial 1.0.2 20200925 Added measures to resolve rejection emails for the first time. […]

Let’s talk about toRef, toRefs, and their differences

toRef: Create a new Ref variable and convert a field of the Reactive object into a Ref variable toRefs: Create a new object, each of its fields is the Ref variable of each field of the Reactive object Tell me about toRef First define a reactive object interface Member {<!– –> id: number name: string […]

python–generator generator_python code automatic generator

Article directory Preface 1. What is a generator? 2. The difference between generator functions and ordinary functions 3.The following is an example of a simple generator function 4. Generator function execution logic 5.next() 6.Function 7. Generator function syntactic sugar-yield from Introduction to zero-based Python learning resources Summary of Python learning route Must-have development tools for […]

java garbage collector

How to find trash? 1. Reference count. When the reference count becomes 0, it is considered garbage. However, this method cannot solve the problem of circular references. A → B → C ↑________↓ 2.Root Searching root reachability algorithm When java first runs, it will call the main method. The objects in the main method are […]