iOS uses NSURLSession to implement background upload and download

The basic logic of NSURLSession background upload is: first create a background mode NSURLSessionConfiguration, then create an NSURLSession through this configuration, then create the relevant NSURLSessionTask, and finally process the relevant proxy events. 1. Create NSURLSession – (NSURLSession *)backgroundURLSession { static NSURLSession *session = nil; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once( & amp;onceToken, ^{ NSURLSessionConfiguration* sessionConfig = […]

A small window plug-in used to display the current system time, CPU and memory usage, and network upload and download speeds.

I’ve recently been working on a gadget that aims to generate a widget that displays the current system time, CPU and memory usage, and network upload and download speeds. Initial goals: Generate a pop-up window and keep the window on top You can make settings in the pop-up window, check the corresponding information you want […]

Python+Selenium automatically uploads watermelon videos on Mac

Background Let’s study the Python + Selenium automated testing framework, and simply implement automated batch uploading and publishing of videos on Mac, and share them with students who need them (without doing too much exception handling). Script implementation First log in with your manual mobile phone number and save the cookie file of the Xigua […]

Visual Studio uses Git to ignore files you don’t want to upload to the remote repository

Foreword As a .NET developer, with the support of the most powerful IDE in the universe: Visual Studio, our development efficiency has been better improved. We don’t need to worry about the configuration of environment variables and other code management tools, because Visual Studio has many expansion tools. Without further ado, let’s get straight to […]

[Recommended] SpringBoot java implements file/attachment upload and download server database, easy to use, simple and practical

Recommend a very simple and practical way to upload and download files. The code is very concise and can be used out of the box. Here are some tools and business codes used; 1. File upload implementation Tool class for determining file type. I will list some of the entity classes used at the end […]

VsCode uses Git to upload code to GitHub

VsCode uses Git to upload code to GitHub 1. Software installation 1. Install Git 2. Install VsCode For specific installation methods of Git, see Git download and installation. VsCode can be installed directly. I won’t go into details here. 2. Create an empty warehouse/project on GitHub 1. Log in to your account on the GitHub […]

Flume construction and installation When uploading HDFS web pages, the connection was refused…Trying::1…telnet: connect to address::1: Connection refused

Table of Contents 1. Flume 1.Features of Flume: 2. What can Flume do? 3. Flume collection and storage 4. Flume’s three major components 5. Flume official website connection Chinese version 2. Install Flume (1) Upload and decompress the software package (2) Configure environment variables 3. Test Flume (1) Edit the Flume configuration file and start […]

vue+elementUI tree selection box, upload attachments, ready to use;

<template> <div style=”margin-bottom: 3.75rem;”> <el-card class=”box-card” :body-style=”{ padding: ‘0px’ }” style=”height: 100%;”> <div style=”margin: 1rem;”> <el-button type=”danger” @click=”delRec”>Delete</el-button> <el-button type=”primary”>Refresh</el-button> </div> <el-table highlight-current-row :key=”key” @cell-dblclick=”doubleClick” :header-cell-style=”{‘text-align’:’center’}” :cell-style=”{‘text-align’:’center’}” style=”width: 100%;margin: 0.25rem;” :data=”tableData.slice((currentPage – 1) * pageSize, currentPage * pageSize)” @selection-change=”handleSelectionchange” border> <el-table-column type=”selection” width=”50px”/> <el-table-column type=”index” label=”serial number” width=”50px”/> <el-table-column prop=”address” label=”title”/> <el-table-column prop=”name” label=”Sender”/> <el-table-column […]