The underlying implementation principle of Nacos & the two calling methods of the registration center

Table of Contents 1. The underlying implementation principle of Nacos 1.1 Implementation principle of automatic refresh of configuration center 1.2 The underlying implementation principle of the registration center 2. Two ways to call the Nacos registration center 2.1 How to call RestTemplate + Spring Cloud LoadBalancer 2.2 Using OpenFeign + Spring Cloud LoadBalancer 1. The […]

C/C++ 11/14 rewrites a std::function<…> function template that supports safety and no multiple copies, supports Lambda λ and overloaded operator()(…) operator structure and C/C++ language Ordinary functions.

As the title of this article indicates, it was rewritten for optimization, and the solid-size BUFF buffer provided by the standard library std::function implementation was cut off because it is no longer necessary. The implementation copies the shared pointer. Reference, instead of needing to copy the BUFF and reconstruct it like the official version. If […]

C++ assignment operation overloading, const member, address taking and const address taking operator overloading

C++ assignment operation overloading, const member, address taking and const address taking operator overloading 1. Assignment operator overloading 1.1 Operator overloading 1.2 Assignment operator overloading 1.3 Prefix + + /– and postfix + + /– overloading 2. const members 3. Address retrieval and const address retrieval operator overloading Column: C “Gaga” System Learning > Blogger […]

Spring – Handwriting simulates the underlying principles of Spring

Handwritten Spring Define configuration class AppConfig @ComponentScan(“com.spring.zsj”) public class AppConfig { @Bean public ApplicationListener applicationListener() { return new ApplicationListener() { @Override public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) { System.out.println(“An event was received” + event); } }; } } Define container ZSJApplicationContext public class ZSJApplicationContext { private Class configClass; private Map<String,BeanDefinition> beanDefinitionMap =new HashMap<>();//bean definition private Map<String,Object> singleObjects […]

numpy Head and Tail, attributes and underlying data, accelerated operations, binary operations, descriptive statistics, function application

Basic usage This section introduces the basic usage of Pandas data structures. The following code creates the sample data object used in the previous section: In [1]: index = pd.date_range(‘1/1/2000’, periods=8) In [2]: s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(5), index=[‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e ‘]) In [3]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 3), index=index, …: columns=[‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’]) …: n=10 […]

Understand image formats RAW, RGB, YUV, Packed/Unpacked, Bayer, MIPI, Planar, Semi-Planar, Interleaved in one article

Table of Contents 1. General attributes 1.Packed/Unpacked 2. Compressed/uncompressed 2. RAW 1. Bayer format 2. Classification 3. MIPI RAW 3. RGB Classification 4. YUV 1. YUV to RGB conversion 2. Classification 3. Memory computing 5. Compression format Some people miss it and will never find it again in their lifetime. This article analyzes in detail […]

Application of vue-aMap Gaode map (adding overlay point coordinates, custom icons, adding information form information, etc.)

Repost the original link Official document reference: aMap official document 1. Install amp npm install vue-amap –save 2. Introduce amap into main.js import AMap from ‘vue-amap’//Introduce Gaode map and initialize it Vue.use(AMap) AMap.initAMapApiLoader({<!– –><!– –> //It is best not to send the collection secret key directly, please pay special attention to it. key:’9dda7871b127d833afdc75274e12ae44’, //Plug-in collection […]

ArrayList underlying logic analysis

Let’s talk about the conclusion first 1.ArrayList maintains an array elementData of type Object 2. When creating an ArrayList object, if a no-parameter constructor is used, the initial elementData capacity is 0. When adding for the first time, the elementData is expanded to 10. If it needs to be expanded again, the elementData is expanded […]