Web APIs – event listening and mouse events

1. Event monitoring What is an event? Events are actions or things that happen within the system while programming For example, a user clicks a button on a web page What is event listening? It is to let the program detect whether an event occurs. Once an event is triggered, it immediately calls a function […]

Windows keyboard and mouse input process

Article directory Windows keyboard and mouse input process 1. RawInputThread 2. xxxProcessKeyEvent 3.gpqForeground 4. Message hook 5. From keystrokes to Win32k 6. Summary Windows keyboard and mouse input process Normally, when we use Windows, we interact with the system through the mouse and keyboard. So how do the keyboard and mouse input and convert various […]

WindowsAPI – Use keyboard and mouse monitoring hooks in Windows API

This section will introduce how to use the SetWindowsHookEx and RegisterHotKey functions in Windows API to implement keyboard and mouse monitoring. These functions can be used to set global hooks and achieve monitoring effects by hooking specific hotkeys. The difference between the two is that the SetWindowsHookEx function can monitor all threads, including threads in […]

Automatic key and mouse connection written in python

I wrote automatic key presses and automatic mouse clicks in python. Share the source code. It is relatively clean. The disadvantage is that the python package is a bit large, more than 50M. from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, uic, QtCore from pynput import keyboard, mouse import pygetwindow as gw from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter, QColor, QCursor from […]

WPF ListView mouse click, move and change background color does not work

Build data source <Window.Resources> <x:ArrayExtension x:Key=”stringList” xmlns=”clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib” Type=”String”> <String>First line</String> <String>Second line</String> <String>Third line</String> <String>The fourth line</String> </x:ArrayExtension> </Window.Resources> 1. + can take effect and the background color will change. Store triggers in ListView.ItemContainerStyle Store data in ListView.View In this way, multiple columns and multiple rows can only be displayed in columns, but multiple rows […]

vue rich text editor quill (including code highlighting, custom fonts, Chineseization, mouse hover prompts, component packaging, etc.)

Basic use Install dependencies npm i quill .vue file <div ref=”editor” :style=”finalStyle”></div> “quill”; import “quill/dist/quill.snow.css”; = { theme: “snow”, placeholder: “Please enter here”, modules: { toolbar: { container: [ // [{ ‘header’: 1 }, { ‘header’: 2 }], // Header – independent tiles [{header: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false]}], // Title – drop-down […]

Add echart’s mouse wheel scrolling to change the abscissa length

Add dataZoom: { type: inside’, filterMode: filter’, orient: horizontal’, xAxisIndex: [0], }, The code is: var option = {<!– –> backgroundColor: “#ccc”, title: [{<!– –> text: ‘Chart name’, x: 15, y: ’20’, textBaseline: ‘middle’, textStyle: {<!– –> fontSize: 20, fontWeight: ‘500’ } }, {<!– –> text: ‘Device interface’, x: 15, y: ’40’, textBaseline: ‘middle’, textStyle: […]