Open dataset: study of multichannel sensorimotor cortical electrophysiology in primates

Nonhuman Primate Reaching with Multichannel Sensorimotor Cortex Electrophysiology. 1 Public data set URL: Directory General Description Possible uses Variable names Decoder Results Videos Supplements Contact Information Citation General Description The data set includes: Thresholding of extracellular and simultaneously recorded peaks across time, sorted into units (up to 5, including one “hash” unit), and sorted […]

A brief taste of OpenWRT / Bypass gateway configuration based on RAVPower-WD009 portable routing file treasure

Directory Preface demand analysis Equipment on hand Home network topology diagram Bypass gateway configuration OpenWRT firmware selection OpenWRT firmware flashing Bypass gateway configuration process Use of bypass gateway Preliminary work Daily storage/key backup Intranet penetration 24 hours standby downloader Foreword Recently, due to personal needs, an OpenWRT device is needed to implement some functions. Therefore, […]

[Open Source Project] Research on snakeflow process engine

Project address (recommended) Common API Deployment process processId = engine.process().deploy(StreamHelper. getStreamFromClasspath(“test/task/simple/leave.snaker”), null, 10001L); Create process instance Order order = engine.startInstanceById(processId, “1”, args); Perform tasks List<Task> tasks = engine.executeTask(activeTasks.get(0).getId(), “1”); Get a person’s tasks that require approval List<Task> activeTasks2 = engine.query().getActiveTasks(new QueryFilter().setOperator(“admin”)); Leave process xml configuration <process displayName=”Leave process test” instanceUrl=”/snaker/flow/all” name=”leave”> <start […]

I am learning OpenCV color space conversion in Vscode

Article directory color 【1】Color space (color gamut) (1) **RGB color space** Conversion to xyz color space Convert RGB color space to XYZ color space Convert XYZ color space to RGB color space (2) **CMYK color space** (3) **HSV** (**Hue, Saturation, Value**) color space (4) **YUV and YCbCr color space** 【2】Color space conversion 2.1 GRAY color […]

C# OpenCvSharp corn kernel counting

Effect Project Code using OpenCvSharp; using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace OpenCvSharp_Demo { public partial class frmMain : Form { public frmMain() { InitializeComponent(); } string fileFilter = “*.*|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.tiff;*.tiff;*.png”; string image_path = “”; DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Now; DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Now; Mat image; Mat result_image; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); private void […]

C# OpenCvSharp DNN HybridNets simultaneously handles vehicle detection, drivable area segmentation, and lane line segmentation

Table of Contents Effect Model information project code download Effect Simultaneously handles vehicle detection, drivable area segmentation, and lane line segmentation Model information Inputs ———————– name: input tensor: Float[1, 3, 256, 384] ————————————————– ————- Outputs ———————– name:regression tensor: Float[1, 18414, 4] name:classification tensor: Float[1, 18414, 1] name:segmentation tensor: Float[1, 3, 256, 384] ————————————————– ————- project […]

JAVA Deepening Chapter_37 – TCP Communication Implementation and Project Cases

TCP communication implementation and project cases TCP communication implementation principle We mentioned that the TCP protocol is connection-oriented, and the client and server must establish a connection during communication. In network communication, the program that actively initiates communication for the first time is called the client program, or client for short, and the program that […]

Develop a modern .NetCore console program, including dependency injection/configuration/logging and other elements

1Foreword There are a lot of scenarios where gadgets need to be developed recently. Last time I developed a hive export tool using the go language. The experience was pretty good, but I really don’t like the syntax of the go language. This time I will try to use C# to develop gadgets. The function […]

Deep Neural Networks – Convert a TensorFlow piecewise model and start using OpenCV v4.8.0

Goals In this tutorial you will learn how to Convert a TensorFlow (TF) segmentation model Run the converted TensorFlow model using OpenCV Evaluate TensorFlow and OpenCV DNN models We will discuss the above points using the DeepLab architecture as an example. Introduction Apart from the graph optimization stage, the key concepts involved in TensorFlow classification […]

“Dependency Injection” of golang library

Article directory 1. Write at the front 2. Dependency injection 2.1 Usage scenarios 2.2 Framework comparison 3. Examples of fx framework usage scenarios 3.1 Example 3.2 golang native library 3.3 fx library 3.4 Comparison 3.4.1 Comparison of the above two implementation methods 3.4.2 About over-design 3.4.3 Enlightenment 4. Thoughts 5. References 1. Write at the […]