The role and interpolation process of WebGL Varing variables, as well as a detailed explanation of the graphics assembly, rasterization, color interpolation, fragment shader execution mechanism, etc. involved in executing Varing

Table of Contents Preface In WebGL or OpenGL, a “varying” is a special type of variable used to pass data between a vertex shader and a fragment shader. It allows the data to be processed by the vertex shader and then used in the fragment shader for further calculations. Color three dots ?edit Colorful three […]

[MATLAB] Two-dimensional raster map A star (A*) path search algorithm matlab implementation

Directory 1 Algorithm process 2 MATLAB code 3 Running results 4 quotes 1 Algorithm process The A star algorithm was implemented under the matlab code framework given by Deep Blue College, and some changes were made. The A* algorithm will not be introduced in detail. The algorithm flow is as follows: start: Initialize node data […]

ArcGIS raster data template automatic mapping

Arcpy automatically batch drawing For example: the first chapter arcpy2.7 automatic drawing Article directory Arcpy automatically batch plots foreword 1. Basic knowledge 2. Drawing practice 1. Initialize the working environment 2. Data preparation and processing 2. Data reading 3. Update of cartographic elements Set the printing range of the map frame 4. Save and export […]

Qgis secondary development – failed to load the Gaode online map and reported an error Raster layer Cannot instantiate the ‘wms’ data provider

1. Load the online Gaode map The following is the online Gaode map address.{x} & amp;y={y} & amp;z={z} & amp;lang=zh_cn & amp;size=1 &scale=1 &style=8 Here is a code example: #include <QApplication> #include <QMainWindow> #include “qgisinterface.h” #include “qgsproviderregistry.h” #include “qgsrasterlayer.h” #include “qgsproject.h” #include “qgsmapcanvas.h” int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Initialize QGIS QgsApplication app(argc, […]

A Spatial Clustering Method for Raster Data (ACA-Cluster)

This article explains in detail how to use Python to spatially cluster raster data with examples, pay attention to the official account GeodataAnalysis, reply 20230616 to get sample data and code, including the overall writing idea, it is easier to get started and run the code understand. Spatial data clustering analysis with non-spatial attributes is […]

[GDAL] vector rasterization function – gdal_rasterize

Directory Function description: This program converts vector geometry (points, lines, and polygons) into a raster image. for example: parameter: 2.1 New features. 2.3 New features. 2.3 New features. gdal_rasterize [-b band]* [-i] [-at] {[-burn value]* | [-a attribute_name] | [-3d]} [-add] [-l layername]* [-where expression] [-sql select_statement] [-dialect dialect] [-of format] [-a_srs srs_def] [-to NAME=VALUE]* […]

Realization of Triangular Rasterization Algorithm Based on Boundary Function Method

This method is used for triangle rasterization, and the input point needs to have the integer coordinates of A, B, and C points. This article mainly considers the following four situations to perform rasterized traversal on triangles. Compared with the traditional pixel-by-pixel scanning algorithm, the efficiency is roughly doubled. Proceed as follows: According to the […]

Geographically weighted regression of raster data based on Python

This article explains in detail how to use Python to perform geographic weighted regression (GWR) and multiscale geographic weighted regression analysis (MGWR) on raster data with examples. Follow the official account GeodataAnalysis, reply 20230605 to get sample data and code , including the overall writing idea, it is easier to understand by running the code. […]