Project3: Implemented execution transactions for multiple statements

Implemented execution transactions of multiple statements, such as GROUP BY, JOIN, TOP-N, INDEX-SCAN Mainly build the executor The processing model of a DBMS defines how the system executes query plans. There are different trade-offs for different workloads. Volcano model: Here is a detailed description of the volcano model: Operators and Operations: The Volcano model breaks […]

Payment Security: Protect Your Financial Transactions

1. The importance of payment security: Payment security is an important issue related to our daily lives. As digital payments and electronic transactions increase in popularity, protecting personal and financial information from potential risks has become critical. Here are some key reasons why payment security is important and the problems poor payment security practices can […]

JAVA-EE completes the bank transfer business in MVC mode without using ThreadLocal to ensure the consistency of the Connection object by passing parameters to ensure transactions——Computer Network Classic

package com.bjpowernode.Bank.Dao; import com.bjpowernode.Bank.Pojo.Account; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.List; public interfaceAccountDao { //DAO,Data Access Object data access object //The naming specification depends on the name of the table being processed int insert(Account account, Connection connection); int deleteByActno(Long id, Connection connection); int update(Account account, Connection connection); Account selectByActno(String actno, Connection connection); List<Account> selectAll(Connection connection); } package com.bjpowernode.Bank.Dao; […]

jdbc support for transactions

The automatic transaction submission function is enabled by default in MySQL, that is, each SQL statement will automatically open a transaction and submit it. If the COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement is not explicitly used, all modifications will be saved to the database. In this case, if an error occurs in an operation, the transaction cannot […]

Python operates MySQL, SQL injection issues, views, triggers, transactions, stored procedures, built-in functions, process control, indexes

1. Python operates MySQL Import third-party module: pymysql Operation steps (text description): 1. Connect to MySQL first host, port, username, password, charset, library, autocommit, etc. 2. Write SQL statements in python 3. Start executing the SQL statement and get the result 4. Processing in python (further processing of data) Code implementation: # 1. Link mysql […]

MySQL transactions, storage engine, index

Article directory Preface 1. Affairs 1. Concept 2. Operation (1) Start a transaction (2) Submit transaction (3) Rollback transaction 3. Four major characteristics ACID (1) Atomicity (2) Consistency (3) Isolation (4) Durability 4. Concurrent transaction issues (1) Dirty reading (2) Non-repeatable reading (3) Phantom reading 5.Isolation level (1) Transaction isolation level (2) Check the transaction […]

“Java Development Guide” How to use JPA and Spring to manage transactions in MyEclipse? (two)

This tutorial introduces some JPA/spring-based features, focusing on JPA-Spring integration and how to take advantage of these features. You’ll learn how to: Set up a project for JPA and Spring Reverse engineer database tables to generate entities Implement creation, retrieval, editing and deletion functions Enable container-managed transactions In the above (>”>Click here to review>>), we […]

Mysql index, transactions and locks

Table of Contents 1. Why does Mysql use B + tree as index instead of B tree? 2. What is the difference between sequential reading and random reading on disk? (You may be asked to talk about this when meeting with big manufacturers. There are many ways to ask) 3. What is Hash index 4. […]

MySQL transactions and isolation levels: analyzing dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads

Reprint: — Create database test create database if not exists test; use test; — Delete table drop table if exists tb_account; create table tb_account( id int primary key AUTO_INCREMENT comment ‘ID’, name varchar(10) comment ‘name’, money double(10,2) comment ‘balance’ ) comment ‘account table’; insert into tb_account(name, money) VALUES (‘李四’,2000), (‘王五’,2000); –Normal transfer situation — […]