WEB3 creates a React front-end Dapp environment and integrates the solidity project, integrating the project structure to facilitate the front-end to get the contract Abi

Okay, everyone, after what we have said above, WEB3 solidity takes you to write test code to operate orders, create/cancel/fill operations, we wrote a script to test the order business. Unexpectedly, it ran quite well. So starting today, we can start operating an operation of our front-end Dapp. In the whole process, there is indeed […]

Implementation method of open source serial port oscilloscope for embedded microcontroller

Share an open source QT serial port oscilloscope, which is completely open source and supports serial port, TCP, waveform display, and communication protocols. Sailor Project function description Serial port debugging assistant function Supports the basic sending and receiving functions of the traditional serial port debugging assistant, and can refresh a large amount of data without […]

Frida prints the call stack of the function to facilitate tracing back the entire calling process of the function.

if (ObjC.available) { try { //hook – ZYOperationView operationCopyLink var className = “ZYMediaDownloadHelper”; var funcName = ” + downloadMediaUrl:isVideo:progress:finishBlock:”; var hook = eval(‘ObjC.classes.’ + className + ‘[“‘ + funcName + ‘”]’); Interceptor.attach(hook.implementation, { onEnter: function(args) { // args[0] is self // args[1] is selector (SEL “sendMessageWithText:”) // args[2] holds the first function argument, an NSString […]

Shader in Unity implements template testing Stencil

Article directory Preface 1. Mask in UI 1. Mask –> template test 2. RectMask2D –> UNITY_UI_CLIP_RECT 2. The stencil buffer Stencil is generally a part parallel to the Pass. The Pass part writes the color buffer. Stencil: Comp (comparison operation) Pass (update of template buffer) 3. Actual use 1. Before using the stencil buffer, you […]

Simple oscilloscope design based on STM32

During the epidemic, I had nothing to do and happened to be learning STM32F407, so I designed and produced a simple oscilloscope to aid learning. Long story short, the plan is as follows: (1) For the microcontroller, select STM32F407VET6, and use SWD mode to simulate and program. Five independent buttons and two LED indicators. Use […]

QT graphics drawing (C++) [realizes the drawing of pencils, lines, rectangles, and ellipses]

To draw in QT, you first need to create a QRect container to store the attributes of the graphic, and then use QPainter to create a brush to draw in QImage, QPixmap, QBitmap and QPicture. 1. Header file #include <QPainter> #include <QRect> #include <QColor> #include <QVector> #include <QPoint> 2. Create container (1) Create a QRect […]

.net (C#) class library (dll) dynamic modification (without changing signature) Mono.Cecil dependency injection code

Description The C# class library can be dynamically edited and the dll file can be output without changing the class library signature. The operation categories are as follows using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Cecil.Cil; using Mono.Cecil.Rocks; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; namespace ModifyAssemblyDemo { internal class ILA { AssemblyDefinition currentASM; TypeDefinition currentType; MethodDefinition currentMethod; […]