Python Flask RESTful explanation and example demonstration

1. Overview of RESTful REST (Representational State Transfer) style is a resource-oriented Web application design style that follows some design principles to make Web applications have good readability, scalability, and maintainability. Let’s explain each aspect of the RESTful style in detail: Resource Identifier: In RESTful style, each resource has a unique identifier, usually a URL […]

Unity network communication-simple encapsulation of HttpRestful requests

To implement the encapsulation of Http requests, we mainly consider two issues: All network communications are written in a class, and external calls only consider incoming parameters to achieve a decoupling effect Unity’s communication uses coroutine to realize network communication. How to handle the subsequent operations of the value returned by the communication Normal encapsulation […]

Restful API interface testing four methods

<!–Unit test–> <dependency> <groupId>junit</groupId> <artifactId>junit</artifactId> <version>4.12</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-test</artifactId> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> 2.Controller: @RequestMapping(value = “/login”, method = RequestMethod.POST) public ResponseBean authLogin(@RequestBody LoginVo login) {<!– –> if (login == null) throw new ClientException(ErrorCode.API_EC_CLIENT_EXCEPTION); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(login.getUsername())) throw new ClientException(ErrorCode.API_EC_CLIENT_EXCEPTION); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(login.getPassword())) throw new ClientException(ErrorCode.API_EC_CLIENT_EXCEPTION); LoginResultBean token = userService.login(login); return ResponseBean.success(token); } 3. Write Mock test […]

Front-end and back-end interface specifications – RESTful version

The three goals of this specification: Simplicity, Unification, and Openness. Regarding how to design a well-styled RESTful API, Github has a perfect answer. Read it three times and the meaning will be apparent. Based on it, this specification will use the simplest possible expression to make detailed agreements from the following common parts: Basic agreement […]


1.url structure 2.The difference between http and http-restful lies in the assignment of mg_tls_opts 2.1 Distinguishing between http and https a) port address static const char *s_http_addr = “”; // HTTP port static const char *s_https_addr = “”; // HTTPS port b) Assign value to mg_tls_opts when using https struct mg_tls_opts opts = { #ifdef […]

Springboot project remotely calls restful interface

Method 1: Using RestTemplate Link: springBoot remotely calls restFul interface (RestTemplate)_springboot calls external restfulapi-CSDN blog import; import org.springframework.http.HttpEntity; import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders; import org.springframework.http.MediaType; import org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap; import org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap; import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate; import java.util.Map; public class test { public static void main(String[] args) { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); MultiValueMap<String, String> map= new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>(); map.add(“id”,”123456″); HttpHeaders headers […]

(9) Enable static resource mapping and request mode conversion configuration when using RESTful style

REST style Resources Resources is a way of looking at a server. A server can be seen as composed of many discrete resources (files). A resource can be identified by one or more URIs. A URI is both a resource and The name is also the address of the resource on the Web A client […]

springmvc-JSR303 performs server-side verification & group verification & SpringMVC defines Restfull interface & exception handling process & RestController exception handling

Table of Contents & 1.JSR303 2. Annotations contained in JSR303 3. Use JSR303 for server-side verification in spring 3.1 Import dependency packages 3.2 Add verification rules 3.3 Perform verification 4. Group verification 4.1 Define group verification rules 4.2 Specify verification rules through parameters during verification 4.3 Display of verification information 5. SpringMVC defines Restfull interface […]

Building a powerful RESTful API: Comparison and application of @RestController and @Controller

Building a powerful RESTful API: Comparison and application of @RestController and @Controller Preface What is RESTful API @RestController, @Controller, @ResponseBody 1. `@Controller` annotation: 2. `@RestController` annotation: 3. `@ResponseBody` annotation: Example Non-thymeleaf example implementation thymeleaf example implementation Foreword Have you ever thought about how the background processes requests and generates responses when you browse the web […]

Spring-Boot framework RestFul design style improves request access——Spring-Boot framework

package com.powernode.springbootvue.controller; import com.powernode.springbootvue.entity.User; import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import; import; @RestController public class ParamsController { @GetMapping(“/user/get/{id}”) public String get(@PathVariable int id) { System.out.println(“I’m here”); System.out.println(id); return “Obtaining user information successfully”; } @RequestMapping(“/upload”) public String up(String nickname, MultipartFile photo, HttpServletRequest request) { System.out.println(nickname); System.out.println(photo.getOriginalFilename()); System.out.println(photo.getContentType()); System.out.println(System.getProperty(“user.dir”)); String path = request.getServletContext().getRealPath(“/upload/”); System.out.println(path); try […]