uni-app – 5 scenarios of image loading failure: single image, v-for loop loading image, high failure after image loading failure in widthFix mode, etc.

About the author: Programmer Banxia, a full-stack programmer, is good at using various programming languages and frameworks, such as JavaScript, React, Node.js, Java, Python, Django, MySQL, etc. Focus on large-scale applications I share hard-core information about front-end and back-end, and I am also a UP owner who updates as needed. You can find me on […]

STM32 HAL library advanced timer input capture pulse width measurement

STM32 HAL library advanced timer input capture pulse width measurement Related article “STM32 HAL library timer input capture SlaveMode pulse width measurement” ?Compared with the advanced timer input capture slave mode used above to measure the PWM signal, the implementation method is more complicated, but the implementation method is still recorded. For the implementation method […]

ThreeJS-3D tutorial ten-line with width

The webgl center line has no width. In real applications, the general practice is to widen the line into a surface for drawing. By default, the line width of threejs cannot be adjusted, and a thick line THREE.Line2 is required. Let’s look at the renderings first: Take a look at the code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html […]

Use poi to copy the excel sheet page content into word to generate table cell content data copy tool: (font size, color, position, bold, underline… cell background color, width, height)

Styles include: 1. Fonts in cells 1.1 Fonts in cells: size, color, position, bold, underline… 2. Cell background color, width, height, wireframe… 2.1 The cell width is read from excel and scaled according to the working width of word 2.2 The cell height is the height read by excel /** * Font position mapping collection […]

EasyExcel basic operation-export [row height, column width, merge, freeze, etc.] import

Tip: After the article is written, the table of contents can be automatically generated. For how to generate it, please refer to the help document on the right. Article directory Preface 1. Dependence 2. Export to Excel 2.1. Basic export content 2.2. Simple style 2.3. Row height and column width 2.4. Column merging 2.5. Freeze […]

Data Mining Experiment (2) Data Preprocessing [Equal-depth binning and equal-width binning]

1. Principle of binning smoothing (1) Binning method Before binning, be sure to sort the data and then divide them into bins of equal depth (equal width). There are two common binning methods: equal depth binning and equal width binning. Equal-depth binning: binning according to the number of records. Each box has the same number […]

Vue uses echart in el-tab (there is a problem that the canvas height and width are always 100px + echart adapts to changes in the outer div)

Problem 1: The canvas height and width are always 100px Solution: Use v-if, refer to https://blog.csdn.net/qq_42527726/article/details/106147539?utm_medium=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-2~default~baidujs_utm_term~default-0- 106147539-blog-132323416.235^v38^pc_relevant_default_base &spm=1001.2101.3001.4242.1 &utm_relevant_index=3 template part: <el-tabs v-model=”activeName” @tab-click=”handleClick”> <el-tab-pane label=”Running status” name=”first”> … </el-tab-pane> <el-tab-pane label=”Mirror data statistics” name=”second”> … </el-tab-pane> <el-tab-pane label=”Experimental Online People Statistics” name=”third”> <div v-if=”isshow” style=”height:500px;width:100%”> <myEcharts height=’100%’ width=’100%’></myEcharts> </div> </el-tab-pane> </el-tabs> script section: <script> […]

React implements a waterfall flow component (TypeScript) that supports width responsiveness, supports any number of columns, supports bottom loading, and has good TS type support

1. Preface Waterfall flow is a very common layout that can be used on both mobile and PC. Its main feature is that each element has the same width but unequal height. (For example, when we visit Taobao, the product display is a waterfall flow) If the waterfall flow only uses CSS, the effect is […]

Front-end lesson 2, HTML, alt, title, width/height, border, <a> hyperlink, target, tr, td, th

Table of Contents 1. title: ?2. alt 3. width/height 4. border 5. Hyperlink 6. target 7. tr 8. td 9.th 10. rowspan 一、title: Look at the beauty Yujie style <img src=” hhh.png” title=” like” > As long as your mouse is there, it will display the title logo behind you 2. alt My computer may […]