Selenium WebUI automated testing framework

The framework is designed based on the PO model, splitting page elements and operations to reduce maintenance costs when the page is changed; at the same time, it uses xsd to customize xml tags and drives Selenium to execute by parsing xml, which reduces a certain amount of language learning costs. The main function Concurrent […]

Optimization of mathematical and geometric graphics processing functions in C language

#ifndef NK_INV_SQRT #define NK_INV_SQRT nk_inv_sqrt NK_LIB float nk_inv_sqrt(float n) { float x2; const float threehalf = 1.5f; union {nk_uint i; float f;} conv = {0}; conv.f = n; x2 = n * 0.5f; conv.i = 0x5f375A84 – (conv.i >> 1); conv.f = conv.f * (threehalfs – (x2 * conv.f * conv.f)); return conv.f; } #endif […]

yolov8 opencv model deployment (C++ version)

TensorRT series accelerated deployment of yolov8 tensorrt model under Windows 10 TensorRT series: accelerated deployment of yolov8 tensorrt model under Linux TensorRT series: accelerated deployment of yolov7 tensorrt model under Linux TensorRT series: accelerated deployment of yolov6 tensorrt model under Linux TensorRT series: accelerated deployment of yolov5 tensorrt model under Linux TensorRT series: accelerated deployment […]

About ElementUI’s dynamic tree + data table + paging example

Table of Contents 1.ElementUI dynamic tree 2. Examples 2.1.Data table 2.2.Backend 2.3. Front-end 3. Book management 3.1.Data table 3.2.Backend 3.2. Front-end Okay, that’s all for sharing today, I hope it can help you! ! ! 1.ElementUI dynamic tree ElementUI provides a Dynamic Tree component that allows developers to create dynamic expandable and collapsible tree structures […]

ScrollViewReader/Positioning scroll view, GeometryReader/Getting view update parameters, MultipleSheets/Multiple working views, Mask/Usage of five-star evaluation view

1. ScrollViewReader positions the scroll view 1.1 Implementation /// Position the scroll view struct ScrollViewReaderBootcamp: View { @State var scrollToIndex: Int = 0 @State var textFiledText: String = “” var body: some View { VStack { TextField(“Enter a # here…”, text: $textFiledText) .padding(.horizontal) .frame(height: 55) .border(Color.gray) .padding(.horizontal) .keyboardType(.numberPad) Button(“Scroll now”) { // add animation if […]

Embedded Linux application development-use of Makefile

Embedded Linux application development-use of Makefile Chapter 3 Use of Makefile 3.1 Supporting video content outline 3.1.1 Makefile rules and examples 3.1.2 Use of general Makefile 3.1.3 Analysis of general Makefile 3.2 Makefile rules 3.3 Assignment methods in Makefile 3.4.1 String replacement and analysis functions 3.4.2 File name function 3.4.3 Other functions Chapter 3 Use […]

02. Development manual (git code management, using Jenkins)

Article directory 1. git code management 1.1. GitFlow workflow 1.2. Development based on gogs service 1.2.1. Pull code 1.2.2. Create develop branch 1.2.3. Develop new functions based on feature branch 1.2.4. Create Release branch 1.2.5. Create tag label 1.3. Project code list 2.Jenkins 2.1. Continuous integration 2.2. Jenkins usage 2.3. Automatic build 2.3.1. gogs settings […]

JavaScript Ajax

Synchronization request The user submits a processing request to the HTTP server. After the server receives the request, it processes it according to the business logic in the pre-written program. The server responds to the request, returns the result to the client, and enriches the display effect of the page with CSS styles. Advantages The […]

Install Compiling Cartographer ROS (unubtu18.04-melodic)

1. Operating environment Operating system: ubuntu18.04; ros version: Melodic. 2. Install dependency compilation tools #Older distribution (the version I am using) sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y python-wstool python-rosdep ninja-build stow #Latest Release sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y python3-wstool python3-rosdep ninja-build stow 3. Download the code and update ros dependencies 3.1. Initialize […]