Water-based: Revealing the secrets of CSS responsive interface design, making content flexible and free, just like the changes of water

Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea: Personal homepage Personal column :《VUE》《javaScript》 Personal website : “Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea” The ideal of life is for an ideal life! Table of Contents ? Column introduction Article introduction 1. What is 2. Implementation method Media inquiries percentage vw/vh rem summary 3. Summary ?Write at the end ? Column Introduction Welcome to the […]

Write programs using flex and bison

Writing programs using flex and bison We will implement a calculator using flex and bison. Lexical analysis (token recognition) Use flex to generate a lexical analyzer. /* This is the declaration part */ %% ” + ” { printf(“plus\\ “); } “-” { printf(“minus\\ “); } “*” { printf(“Multiple\\ “); } “/” { printf(“except\\ “); […]

Is Redis not fast enough? Why you should consider using KeyDB, a faster, more powerful, and more flexible open source database…

Are you using Redis as your data structure storage and enjoying its high performance and high availability features? If so, then you might be interested in KeyDB. What is KeyDB? KeyDB An open source database powered by Snap and built for scale. It is a high-performance fork of Redis that focuses on multi-threading, memory efficiency, […]

Master Python’s advanced functions: Improve code flexibility and readability

Python’s advanced functions are powerful tools that can significantly increase the flexibility and readability of your code. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced developer, it is important to understand and master advanced functions because they can help you handle various programming tasks more easily. 1. Lambda function: small but powerful Lambda functions are […]

CSS (how CSS is introduced, CSS selectors, text styles, backgrounds, borders, pseudo-class pseudo-elements, CSS box model, margin folding issues, advanced selectors, floating, flex layout)

CSS css3, cascading style sheets, styling and layout Three ways to introduce ?Inline style (inline style): Use the style attribute of the HTML tag to define the CSS style Internal style: use? External styles (connected): use tags to trigger external CSS style sheet components Inline styles <p style=”color: aqua;font-size: 40px;”>This is a paragraph tag</p> Attributes: […]

CSS3 Flex Box (Flex Box)

CSS3 Flex Box CSS3 flexible box content: The flex box is composed of a flexible container (Flex container) and a flexible sub-element (Flex item). A flex container is defined as a flex container by setting the display property to flex or inline-flex. A flex container contains one or more flex child elements. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> […]

98 Link Set 8 nignx configuration and vue configuration publicPath v-model use on custom components. Pseudo-element icons and text are centered. The last box of flex layout occupies an exclusive line. Text selection is prohibited.

1.Use of v-model on custom components Sliding verification pagehttps://segmentfault.com/a/1190000019917624 //1.mixin import { Vue, Component, Prop } from ‘vue-property-decorator’ @Component export default class TwoWay extends Vue { @Prop() value!: any; get currentValue() { return this.value; } set currentValue(newVal: any) { this.$emit(‘input’, newVal) } } //2.my-child-compnent.vue <template> <input v-model=”currentValue” /> </template> <script lang=”ts”> import { Vue, Component, […]

Vue adaptation to hand Taobao tool adaptation (flexible.js, rem adaptation. Detailed explanation)

1. Download dependencies npm install lib-flexible –save If you don’t want to download, just go to utils, create a new file flexible.js, and copy the code below (function(win, lib) { var doc = win.document var docEl = doc.documentElement var metaEl = doc.querySelector(‘meta[name=”viewport”]’) var flexibleEl = doc.querySelector(‘meta[name=”flexible”]’) vardpr = 0 var scale = 0 var tid […]