Flutter page sliding callback processing solution

Article directory TabBarView Introduction to TabBarView TabBarView detailed introduction How to handle transactions when TabBarView slides example PageController Introduction to PageController Detailed introduction of PageController TabBarView Introduction to TabBarView TabBarView is a widget in Flutter that displays a tab view. It is often used together with TabBar to implement tabbed navigation, allowing users to switch […]

RecycleView long press drag control ItemTouchHelper.Callback

1.Adapter Inherit RecycleView.Adapter In fact, it is not difficult to implement long-press and drag controls in RecycleView. Just rewrite ItemTouchHelper.Callback. ItemTouchHelper is a tool class that implements RecyclerView‘s side-sliding deletion and drag-and-drop movement. The following code is the ordinary RecycleView.Adapter implementation process except ItemTouchHelper.Callback. public class ItemAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<ItemAdapter.Holder>{ private Context context; private ItemTouchHelper itemTouchHelper; […]

Baumer Industrial Camera How to use BGAPISDK to use image callback functions through two different methods (C#)

How Baumer Industrial Cameras use BGAPISDK to use image callback functions in two different ways (C#) Baumer industrial cameras Technical background to the fixed frame rate functionality of Baumer industrial cameras Method 1: Use the function in the BGAPI SDK to complete the image data conversion in the image callback function Method 2: Use Bitmap […]

The onChange callback of the antd component needs to be executed immediately to change the value and anti-shake to save interface overhead.

Article directory Ordinary use Use anti-shake to save money The page function is complex and requires value control The callback requires some code to be executed immediately, and some code to be executed with anti-shake delay. useRef useCallback summary Normal use When we use Antd’s input or select to search, the onChange callback will be […]

day11-fastdfs and minio managed files, Alipay payment secondary encapsulation, payment related table analysis, order interface, front-end payment function, payment success front desk (configuring routing and Alipay callback address), payment success callback interface (two)

0 fastdfs and minio hosting files 0.1 fastdfs 0.2 minio 1 Alipay payment secondary packaging 1.1 General test 1.2 Secondary packaging 2 Analysis of payment related tables 3 Order interface 4 Front-end payment function 5 Payment success front desk (configure routing and Alipay callback address) 6 Payment success callback interface (two) 0 fastdfs and minio […]

JUC concurrent programming – ForkJoin and asynchronous callbacks

ForkJoin (branch merge) What is ForkJoin ForkJoin appeared in JDK1.7, executing tasks in parallel, which can improve efficiency under large data volume An explanation provided by iFlytek Spark: Forkjoin is a parallel computing algorithm that is used to decompose a large task into multiple small tasks, then assign these small tasks to different threads or […]

Springboot uses CompletableFuture to execute threads asynchronously (with and without callbacks)

Table of Contents background accomplish 1. Asynchronous thread configuration class 2. Customized asynchronous exception unified processing class 3. Implement asynchronous calls (no callback-runAsync()) 4. Implement asynchronous calls (with callback-supplyAsync()) 5. Asynchronous execution error exception example Background There will always be situations in the project that require asynchronous execution to avoid wasting time and resources, which […]

Monitoring network status changes — combining registerNetworkCallback and broadcast (kotlin)

illustrate Android Android monitors network status changes. In applications, we generally need to monitor changes in device network status and make corresponding business processing. We need a convenient and global monitoring implementation. . Use different API methods for different device system versions; Pay attention to the adaptation problem of using broadcast to monitor network status […]

13 | How to correctly use the callback method in @Entity

What are the callback methods specified in the Java Persistence API? The JPA protocol stipulates that you can use some annotations to monitor callback events and specify callback methods. Below I have compiled a callback event annotation table, listing the @PrePersist, @PostPersist, @PreRemove, @PostRemove, @PreUpdate, @PostUpdate, @PostLoad annotations and their concepts. Callback event annotation table […]

Use of jsonp and jsonpcallback

1. jsonp, jsonpCallback Two parameters that can be customized when jsonp cross-domain 2. jsonp: The parameter name of the callback function name, the default callback, the server uses it to obtain the callback function name 3. jsonpCallback: Return the function name, automatically generated by jquery by default 4. When specifying jsonpCallback, you can write the […]