Netty core principles: 2. Intermediate extension-11: Netty is based on ChunkedStream data stream cutting and transmission

Article directory 1. Introduction 2. Code implementation 2.1 Engineering structure 2.2 Server-side implementation 2.2.1 Server-side chunking processor 2.2.2 Server-side processor 2.2.3 Server channel initialization 2.2.4 netty server 3. Unit testing 1. Introduction Under the structure of the asynchronous NIO framework of Netty, during the communication process between the server and the client, when large blocks […]

Summary of C++ ostream flow functions good, eof, fail, bad, operator!, operator bool, rdstate, setstate, clear, copyfmt (209)

Introduction: CSDN blog expert, focusing on Android/Linux System, share multi-mic voice solutions, audio and video, codec and other technologies, and grow with everyone! Quality Column:Audio Engineer Advanced Series[Original information is being updated continuously… ] Life motto: There are never shortcuts in life, only actions It is the only cure for fear and laziness. For more […]

Title 4: The practice of real-time analysis of big data – Spark Streaming+DStream explained in simple terms

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Introduction With the rapid development of the Internet and mobile Internet, the number of website users has exploded, and the requirements for data volume, access frequency and timeliness are also getting higher and higher. Traditional data warehouse technology can no longer meet the demand, and new […]

DStream conversion operation of Spark Streaming

1. Stateless conversion operation 1. Ordinary RDD operations Each batch does its own separate conversion operation, and there is no record of status. Batch is RDD, micro-batch processing private val wordCount: DStream[(String, Int)] = .map((_, 1)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) wordCount.print() Result: wordCount implemented 2. Transform There are also general Transform operations, that is, the […]

Is mybatis’s MappedStatement thread-safe?

Preface This article mainly studies mybatis MappedStatement MappedStatement org/apache/ibatis/mapping/ public final class MappedStatement { private String resource; private Configuration configuration; private String id; private Integer fetchSize; private Integer timeout; private StatementType statementType; private ResultSetType resultSetType; private SqlSource sqlSource; private Cache cache; private ParameterMap parameterMap; private List<ResultMap> resultMaps; private boolean flushCacheRequired; private boolean useCache; private boolean […]

Design and implementation of theater ticket booking system based on Android technology (Androidstudio+mysql database+backend management)

Blogger introduction: I focus on the development of Android/java/database/WeChat applet technology, and have several years of practical development experience and technology accumulation in computer graduation projects; especially in Android ( I am very familiar with and understand the development of Android) app and WeChat applet; I am also an Android developer for many years; I […]

Design and development of campus service system based on Android (Androidstudio+mysql database+backend management)

Blogger introduction: I focus on the development of Android/java/database/WeChat applet technology, and have several years of practical development experience and technical accumulation in computer graduation design; especially in Android ( Android) app development and WeChat applet development, I am very familiar with and understand; I am also an Android developer for many years; I hope […]

AndroidStudio upgrade Gradle pit

Recently, I am upgrading the old project. The original Gradle version is 4.6 and needs to be upgraded to 7.6. JDK has been upgraded from 8 to 17. There are many pitfalls along the way. Let’s record them one by one. 1. The Maven warehouse needs to be upgraded to https You will encounter this […]

AndroidStudio classic bluetooth protocol SPP communication

1. In the of the configuration file AndroidManifest.xml, add the Bluetooth permissions as follows: <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.BLUETOOTH” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION” /> 2. Write a button in the entry function onCreate in the entry file MainActivity, and define the onClick function; after clicking the button, […]

System development (6) AndroidStudio import source code and debugging

1. Download and compile Android source code Refer to the previous System development (1) Aosp download System development (2) Aosp compilation 2. Generate a configuration file that can be imported by AndroidStudio 2.1 Compile the idegen module separately to generate idegen.jar In the root directory of the source code, execute the following command to compile […]