Spring microservice project introduces CQRS model, the advantage is mine!

1Introduction The rise of microservices and the need for scalability, flexibility, and maintainability in modern software architecture have led developers to embrace various design patterns. One pattern that has gained a lot of attention in recent years is the Command Query Responsibility Separation (CQRS) pattern. CQRS is particularly suitable for systems where there is a […]

Disadvantages of UUID and Snowflake Algorithm

question General universal solution snowflake algorithm picture Foreword The unique system ID is a problem we often encounter when designing a system, and we often struggle with this problem. This article is to provide you with an idea for generating a distributed unique global ID generation solution. I hope it can help you. If there […]

The s-shop product details page (mobile terminal) is implemented using Vue, mainly using Vant-ui.

Achieve results 1. Just like the PC side, use Vue’s $router and $route to pass the product id 1. Define productDetail routing Need to pass the id value of the product { path: ‘/productDetail/:id’, component: () => import(‘./pages/productDetail.vue’), }, 2. Product list uses $router to pass parameters <van-grid-item v-for=”(i,inx) in productList” :key=”inx”> <!– Use @click […]

Can GraalVM replace JVM with performance advantages?

Table of Contents introduction What is GraalVM? Advantages of GraalVM GraalVM challenges in conclusion Introduction GraalVM is an emerging virtual machine technology that is promoted as an alternative to the traditional JVM and brings huge performance advantages. However, this view is controversial within the developer community. This article will explore whether GraalVM’s replacement of JVM […]

Pandas 2.0 main advantages and code implementation!

Article source: Python developer Hello everyone, today I would like to share with you the main advantages and code implementation of Pandas 2.0! The full text is about 7,000 words and takes 15 minutes to read. In April, pandas 2.0.0 was officially released, causing an uproar in the data science community. Due to its wide […]

Distributed Lock 1: Advantages and Disadvantages of 5 Solutions to Solve Oversold Products

One distributed lock 1.1 The role of distributed locks In multi-threaded high-concurrency scenarios, in order to ensure the thread safety of resources, jdk provides us with the synchronized keyword and ReentrantLock reentrant lock, but they can only guarantee thread safety within a project. In the current era of distributed clusters, microservices, and cloud native, how […]

React [Refs & class components, Refs & function components, callback Refs, higher-order components (HOC), higher-order components (HOC) combined parameter components, higher-order components pass irrelevant props] (5)

File Directory Refs & class components Refs & function components Callback Refs Higher Order Components (HOC) Higher-order components (HOC) combined parameter components Higher-order components pass irrelevant props Performance Optimization_Code Splitting (1) Performance Optimization_Code Splitting (2) Refs & amp; Class Component When using Refs, when the ref attribute is used on a custom class component, the […]

Four examples of automated testing models and their advantages and disadvantages

1. Linearity test 1. Concept: A linear script generated by recording or writing the steps corresponding to the application. Simply to simulate the user’s complete operation scenario. (operations, repeated operations, data) all mixed together. 2. Advantages: Each script is relatively independent and does not generate other dependencies or calls. 3. Disadvantages: The development cost is […]

Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of six methods of packaging Python code (recommended collection)

Python is a high-level programming language that is easy to learn, easy to use, and cross-platform, so it has been widely used in development. However, Python code needs to be run in the Python interpreter, which may be inconvenient for some users. As an interpreted language, Python makes the source code public upon release. Although […]