[C++ code] Merge intervals, use the minimum number of arrows, divide strings, monitor binary trees, greedy algorithms – Code Thoughts

In the explanation [Greedy Algorithm: Rebuilding the Queue Based on Height, we mentioned that using vector (dynamic array in C++) to perform insert operations is time-consuming. Intuitively, the insert operation of the array is O(n), and the time complexity of the overall code is O(n^2). For ordinary arrays, once the size is defined, it cannot […]

Advanced Python Algorithms: Optimization and External Sorting of Merge Sort

Advanced Python Algorithm: Optimization and External Sorting of Merge Sort Introduction 1. Basic principles of merge sort 2. Optimization of merge sort 2.1 Bottom-up merge sort 2.2 Final optimization 3. External sorting 4. Performance comparison 5. Conclusion Introduction In computer science, sorting is a basic task, and merge sort ( Merge Sort ) is a […]

[SCM Graduation Project] [cl-002] Emergency Stop | Anti-collision System | Ultrasonic Ranging | Reversing Detection

1. Basic introduction Item name: Design of emergency parking system based on microcontroller System design of anti-collision system based on microcontroller Design of ultrasonic ranging system based on microcontroller Design of reversing detection system based on single-chip microcomputer Project number: mcuclub-cl-002 Microcontroller type: STC89C52, STM32F103C8T6 Specific functions: 1. Measure the temperature through DS18B20 and use […]

Emergency Response – Website Intrusion and Tampering Guide_Webshell Memory Horse Scanning_Vulnerability Troubleshooting_Time Analysis

1. Preface Generally, when security services are working on projects, they often encounter work that requires emergency response. The so-called emergency response means that when an abnormality occurs on a website, it performs traceability analysis based on relevant issues, discovers problems, and solves them. 2. Network security abnormal characteristics Here is a summary of some […]

el-table merges cells with the same value + multi-level header

<el-table border :data=”costList” :span-method=”objectSpanMethod” > <el-table-column label=”Category” prop=”Category” width=”120″> </el-table-column> <el-table-column label=”Expense Account” prop=”Expense Account” width=”120″> </el-table-column> <el-table-column v-for=”(item, index) in costTitle” :key=”index” :label=”item.name” width=”120″ :prop=\ “item”> <el-table-column :label=”item.amount” width=”120″> <el-table-column v-for=”(val, ind) in item.data” :key=”ind” :label=”val.substr(val.length – 2)” :prop =”val” width=”120″> </el-table-column> </el-table-column> </el-table-column> </el-table> export default {<!– –> name: “OaZyfy”, data() {<!– –> […]

Merge sort and counting sort (including code)

Table of Contents Table of contents: 1: Merge sort recursion 2: Non-recursive merge sort 3: The idea of counting sorting 1: Merge sort recursive Idea: Merge sort is a kind of sorting that uses the divide-and-conquer algorithm. Two ordered sub-arrays are merged into one array to make the array completely ordered. Therefore, we first make […]

[RocketMQ Series 13] RocketMQ’s cluster core concept of consumption retry & dead letter queue & emergence and processing of idempotent messages

Hello, I am Fei Ge (wei158556), a coder. Thank you for reading this article. Welcome to connect three times with one click. 1. Python basics column, covering all basic knowledge in one place. If you buy it for 9.9 yuan, you will not suffer a loss or be cheated. Python from beginner to proficient 2. […]