Series 30, Spring Affairs (Practical) – NESTED

1. Demonstrate Spring’s communication behavior (NESTED) 1.1, StockServiceImplNESTED /** * @Author: A leaf of duckweed returns to the sea * @Date: 2023/10/30 15:43 * @Description: Demonstrates the propagation behavior of NESTED (the outer layer affects the inner layer, and the inner layer does not affect the outer layer) * NESTED is a nested transaction, as […]

Solve Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.aop.framework.AopConfigExce

Table of Contents Solve Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.aop.framework.AopConfigException: Could not generate CGLIB subclass of class Problem Description solution 1. Check the visibility of a class 2. Exclude final classes 3. Check Spring version 4. Use other proxy modes Summarize Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.aop.framework.AopConfigException: Could not generate […]

Using Docker to deploy NestJs+SpringBoot+Vue+React+MySQL project in Ubuntu

1. Research background Recently, project development is coming to an end. Now it is necessary to deploy front-end and back-end projects including NestJs, SpringBoot, Vue, React, MySQL, etc. to Docker to achieve network access. 2. Installation environment Before this deployment, we need to install the software required for deployment, Docker and its Docker Compose tool. […]

PostgreSQL complex nested json data correction case

Directory Reference link Problem Description The first problem encountered: How to determine whether there are elements that meet the requirements in the nested json object array in the json field of each record The second problem encountered: the function is written while debugging, and it is necessary to output logs to observe the debugging results. […]

[python]–Use nested lists to implement game character management

Personal column: Algorithm design and analysis: Algorithm design and analysis_IT Yan’s blog-CSDN blog Java Basics: Java Basics_IT Yan’s Blog-CSDN Blog C language: c language_IT Yan’s blog-CSDN blog MySQL: Data Structure_IT Yan’s Blog-CSDN Blog Data structure: Data structure_IT Yan’s blog-CSDN blog C++: C++_IT Yan’s Blog-CSDN Blog C51 MCU: C51 MCU (STC89C516)_IT Yan’s Blog-CSDN Blog Webpage design […]

Vue-cli builds SPA project, Vue project structure description, development examples, and how to modify the port number, -g, -S, -D parameters in the install command, nested routing, package.json detailed explanation

Table of Contents 1. vue-cli installation 1.1 Installation prerequisites 1.2 What is vue-cli 1.3 Install vue-cli 2. Build the project using vue-cli 2.1 Use scaffolding to create project skeleton 2.2 Go to the new project directory and install the required modules 2.3 How to modify the port number 2.4 Add element-ui module 2.5 package.json detailed […]

Solve the problem that mybatisplus reported org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.excep

Solution to mybatisplus reporting org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException: Article directory Solve the problem that mybatisplus reported org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException: Scenes: Exception details: Solution analyze 1. View logs 2. View the source code Summarize use mybatisplus LambdaQueryChainWrapper reported an error Scene: RegionPO one = new LambdaQueryChainWrapper<>(regionDAO) .select(RegionPO::getRegionId) .eq(RegionPO::getName, “Guangdong Province”) .one(); Exception details: […]

JUnit5 conditional testing, nested testing, repeated testing

Conditional test JUnit5 supports conditional annotations to determine whether to execute a test based on a Boolean value. Custom conditions The @EnabledIf and @DisabledIf annotations are used to set custom conditions, example: @Test @EnabledIf(“customCondition”) void enabled() { // … } @Test @DisabledIf(“customCondition”) void disabled() { // … } boolean customCondition() { return true; } The […]

vue2 skill tree (11) – routing installation and basic configuration, routing navigation, nested routing

Directory Routing installation and basic configuration Install Vue Router Configure Vue Router Create a Vue component Using Vue Router in your application Define routes in your application Create routing view Complete project example Detailed explanation of route navigation Basic navigation Via route link “ Project examples Programmatic navigation Project examples Nested route navigation Project examples […]