Orange Pi Zero3 lights up the st7789v screen

SDK:orangepizero3 6.1.31 1. Hardware connection orangepi zero3 ips display GND GND 3.3V 3.3V SPI0_CLK(PH6) SCL SPI0_MOSI (PH7) SDA PC14 RES PC15 DC PC9 BLK 2. Transplantation 1.1 Modify the device tree and add the st7789v node File path: arch/arm64/boot/dts/allwinner/sun50i-h616-orangepi-zero3.dts &spi0 { #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; status = “okay”; pinctrl-names = “default”; pinctrl-0 = […]

Android expands the clickable area range of View

Sometimes we encounter this requirement: the control itself is displayed in a small range, but the clickable area is required to be expanded. According to the official document, we can know that through the TouchDelegate class, the parent view can transfer the child view to The touchable area extends beyond the bounds of the […]

Yunchen Shooting Range Medium_Socnet The internal network is docker. There is no site agent. There is no privilege escalation method for gcc. Solve the problem that ldd is too high and cannot execute exp. Specify the so file.

First, we can scan the current intranet through arp-scan. But I don’t know why it can’t be scanned out. Then we can use fscan to get the survival The scan here generally only opens port 22. So we use nmap for information collection scanning nmap -sS -sV -A -p- Perform version service scanning through […]

Single-cell 10x Cell Ranger analysis

first step download SRR data #This is a batch download nohup prefetch -X 100GB –option-file SRR_Acc_List.txt & nohup fastq-dump –gzip –split-files -A ./SRR13633760 -O /home/scRNA/ & amp; next Build a custom reference using Cell Ranger mkref First, find the reference genome FASTA and GTF files for your species. If the species is available from the […]

Brute force cracking [Verification code bypass, token blast-proof] shooting range experiment

Practical pre-statement The procedures (methods) involved in the article may be offensive and are only for security research and learning purposes. If readers use the information for other purposes, the user shall bear all legal and joint liability. The author of the article does not assume any legal and joint liability. 1. Introduction to BurpSuite […]

[Orangepi Zero2 H616] Development board information (flashing, system burning) and environment construction

1. Information documents 2. MobaXterm remote connection tool 3. Change login password 4. Modify the kernel log level 5. Configure the network 6. SSH access OrangePi ZERO 2 7. Configure vim 8. Develop SDK based on official peripherals 1. Documentation Official website data download GitHub: New version of orangepi-build source code Environment setup: Novice configuration […]

Whether the latitude and longitude point belongs to a latitude and longitude string (specify the error range)

1. Usage scenarios 1. Based on a longitude and latitude point, automatically match the surrounding one kilometer longitude and latitude string (the error range can be specified) 2. Calculate the distance between two longitudes and latitudes 3. Determine whether a longitude and latitude point belongs to a longitude and latitude string, and the error range […]

Implementation of garbage classification smart trash can project based on OrangePi Zero 2 (2) C language calling Python code–installation and testing of dev dependent libraries of libpython3

Environment Construction and Testing If you want to call python code in C language, you need to install the dev dependency library of libpython3 Installation: dev dependency library of libpython3 Use the following command to check whether dependent packages already exist: dpkg -l | grep libpython3 It can be seen that there is no library […]