Task execution control in Ansible

1. Loop Loop iteration task 1. Simple loop loop: ##Assignment list – value1 – value2 -… {<!– –>{item}} ##Iteration variable name #Example# — – name: create file hosts: tasks: – name: file module file: name: /mnt/{<!– –>{item}} state: present loop: – westos_file1 – westos_file2 2. Circular hash or dictionary list — – name: create […]

Three-dimensional transformation matrix practice – rotation, scaling, mirroring, cross-cutting, translation, and orthogonal projection of three-dimensional point clouds

1. Rotation matrix (right-handed coordinate system) Rotate around the x-axis Rotation matrix: The matrix on the right is the original coordinates of the point cloud, and the matrix on the left is the rotation matrix Visualization: Rotate 90 degrees around the x-axis Code: import vtk import numpy as np import math def pointPolydataCreate(pointCloud): points = […]

Yunchen Shooting Range Medium_Socnet The internal network is docker. There is no site agent. There is no privilege escalation method for gcc. Solve the problem that ldd is too high and cannot execute exp. Specify the so file.

First, we can scan the current intranet through arp-scan. But I don’t know why it can’t be scanned out. Then we can use fscan to get the survival The scan here generally only opens port 22. So we use nmap for information collection scanning nmap -sS -sV -A -p- Perform version service scanning through […]

GDB debugging call executable

GDB debugging call executable file Article directory GDB debugging call executable Check whether coredump function is enabled Find core_pattern first coredump is automatically processed by the apport.service service program in the ubuntu system Analysis of common causes of coredump Use GDB and several commonly used GDB commands The reason is that when running an executable […]

Install jupyter notebook in Anaconda environment, create shortcuts, add/delete kernels, configure theme colors and toolbars [Update]

Install jupyter notebook, create shortcuts, add/remove kernels, configure theme colors and toolbars in Anaconda environment Tip: This article is a record of a series of successful installation processes such as Anaconda + cuda + cudnn + TensorFlow + pytorch + jupyter notebook. Some steps have version number requirements, such as TensorFlow and cuda + cudnn. […]

Oracle-execution plan

Several ways to generate execution plans 1. EXPLAIN FOR grammar: EXPLAIN PLAN FOR SQL statement SELECT * FROM TABLE(dbms_xplan.display()); advantage: No need to actually execute SQL shortcoming: No relevant statistical information is output, such as how many logical reads, physical reads, recursive calls, etc. are generated. Unable to tell how many rows were processed Unable […]

QT captures keyboard input and displays the input shortcut key combinations, and solves the problem that some key combinations (such as Ctrl+Shift+letters) cannot be recognized in the Linux environment

Recently I am working on a QT project, which requires identifying keyboard input keys to generate shortcut keys. There is a class QKeySequenceEdit in QT. Using this, you can directly obtain keyboard input. However, if you want to filter out the keys you do not want to recognize, you must rewrite it. ThekeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) function. […]

“Multi-threading Killer” Python concurrent programming tool: ThreadPoolExecutor allows you to easily start multiple threads at one time and kill a large number of tasks instantly!

As program complexity and data volume continue to increase, traditional synchronous programming methods can no longer meet the needs of developers. Asynchronous programming emerged, providing higher concurrency performance and better resource utilization. Python’s concurrent.futures module is a good asynchronous programming tool. It provides a set of interfaces for convenient concurrent programming. Python already has the […]

Failed to execute yum install

Want to install: [root@localhost ~]# yum install lrzsz Updating Subscription Management repository. Unable to read customer identity This system has not been registered with the rights server. Registration can be done using subscription-manager. RHEL9-BaseOS 0.0 B/s | 0 B 00:00 Errors during downloading metadata for repository ‘RHEL9-BaseOS’: – Curl error (37): Couldn’t read a file:// […]