Apache Airflow (4): Airflow scheduling shell command

Personal homepage: IT Pindao_Big data OLAP system technology stack, Apache Doris, Clickhouse technology-CSDN blog Private chat with bloggers: Join the big data technology discussion group chat to get more big data information. Blogger’s personal B stack address: Brother Bao teaches you about big data’s personal space – Brother Bao teaches you about big data personal […]

Explore Miniconda3: a simple and flexible Python environment and software package management tool

Miniconda3 installation and configuration notes Foreword Miniconda3 is a lightweight Anaconda distribution that provides a flexible and simplified way to manage Python environments and packages. This article will introduce how to install, configure and manage Miniconda3, as well as use the conda command to manage the environment and software packages. Article directory Miniconda3 installation and […]

Deploy hadoop-3.3.6, hbase-2.5.6, apache-zookeeper-3.8.1 cluster on linux

1. Introduction to hadoop Hadoop is a distributed system infrastructure developed by the Apache Foundation. Users can develop distributed programs without understanding the underlying details of distribution. Make full use of the power of clusters for high-speed computing and storage. Hadoop implements a distributed file system (Distributed File System), one of which is HDFS (Hadoop […]

Golang os package: process creation and termination, running external commands

The os package and its subpackage os/exec provide methods for creating processes. Generally, the os/exec package should be used first. Because the os/exec package relies on the key process creation APIs in the os package, for ease of understanding, we first discuss the process-related APIs in the os package. part. Creation of process In Unix, […]

vue3+antdv table packaging

tool.ts /**Generate unique ID */ let _idCounter = 0; export function generateUniqueID() {<!– –> var ts = new Date().getTime().toString(); var parts = ts.split(“”).reverse(); var id = “”; for (var i = 0; i < 5; + + i) {<!– –> var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * parts.length); id + = parts[index]; } id + = ( […]

Linux offline installation of cuda&cudnn and configuration of the machine and its environment packaging and migration

cuda installation cuda version adaptation Check the cuda version number supported by your computer [You can skip this step if you install the cuda toolkit on a supercomputing platform] CUDA toolkit Download official website download cuda toolkit Upload the downloaded .run executable file to the platform for offline installation $ cd /uploaded directory $ chmod […]

STL–vector container (construction, traversal, insertion and deletion, capacity size, data access, dynamic expansion, etc.)

vector Foreword In the past few days, I have used STL a lot when writing code, and I have also felt the power of STL, so I reviewed the content of STL again, and summarized and extracted some basic things and important content. This is a vector article . C++’s STL provides us with many […]

How to use fiddler to capture mobile phone packets and filters!

1. The difference between Fiddler and other packet capture tools 1. Although Firebug can capture packets, it is not powerful enough to analyze the detailed information of http requests. The function of simulating HTTP requests is not enough, and Firebug often requires “no refresh modification”. If the page is refreshed, all modifications will not be […]