Write a C program, review concepts such as global constants, global variables, local variables, static variables, heap, and stack, and program and verify them in Ubuntu (x86) system and STM32 (Keil) respectively.

Table of Contents 1. Global variables and local variables 2. Heap & stack 3. Verify using programs 4. Summary 1. Global variables and local variables global variables Variables defined outside all functions are called global variables, and their scope is the entire program by default, that is, all source files. local variables A variable defined […]

2023.10.02 Navicat_Premium15_x86 connects to Oracle_10g under win7x64sp1 (installed in win2003x86)

Oracle_10g is installed on this version of the system: Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790] This win2003_x86 (allocated memory 1G) is installed in the vmware virtual machine. The installation package file name is: oracle 10g_win32.zip, the size is about 624 MB (655,025,354 bytes) After installation, the tcp1521 port should be open: Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790] (C) Copyright […]

Gcc generates static libraries and dynamic libraries as well as the generation and use of static .a and .so library files. And review concepts such as global constants, global variables, local variables, static variables, heaps, and stacks, and program and verify them in Ubuntu (x86) systems and STM32 (Keil) respectively.

1.gcc generates static libraries and dynamic libraries 1.1 What are static libraries and dynamic libraries Static libraries and dynamic libraries are library files stored on disk and contain functions, variables and other executable objects that can be called by programs. They are all the results of compilation and linking. However, there are several differences between […]

[System Security 7]x86 Disassembly Crash Course

x86 disassembly quick x86 architecture 3 types of hardware components: Central Processing Unit: Responsible for executing code Memory (RAM): Responsible for storing all data and code Input/output system (I/O): Provides interfaces for hard drives, keyboards, monitors and other devices Memory A program’s memory can be divided into four main sections: Stack: The stack is used […]

CentOS 7.6 uses mysql-8.0.31-1.el7.x86_64.rpm-bundle.tar to install Mysql 8.0

https://downloads.mysql.com/archives/community/ is the official website of the community version. You can choose the version to download. cat /etc/redhat-release can see that the system version is CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core), uname -r can see The version is 3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64. yum remove -y mysql-libsUninstall some components installed by default mariadb. wget https://cdn.mysql.com/archives/mysql-8.0/mysql-8.0.31-1.el7.x86_64.rpm-bundle.tarDownload and install components. mkdir /mysql8031Create […]

x86 host environment configuration Ubuntu18.04+CUDA10.2+Cudnn8+Python3.6

Due to work needs, I built a new x86 host, fiddled with the environment configuration, and shared it in the hope that it can help people in need. Table of Contents 1. CUDA, Cudnn, Pytorch, and Torchvision version correspondence 2. Install CUDA10.2.89 1. Installation 2. Check the CUDA version 3. Test (optional) 3. Install Cudnn8.0.3 […]

Dynamic linker for x86_64 architecture on Linux ld-linux-x86-64.so.2

/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 is a dynamic linker (also called a dynamic link editor) for the x86_64 architecture on the Linux operating system. It is responsible for loading and linking dynamic libraries that are referenced at runtime (that is, when the program starts or after). Now, let’s take a closer look at its role and importance: The […]