Another look at the Glide image loading library from a memory optimization perspective

Front background As a commonly used image loading framework, Glide has a lot of memory optimizations at the framework level. However, as an image framework, ensuring correctness must be the first priority. Therefore, some additional optimizations can be made in appropriate scenarios at the application layer. , of course you need to understand the problems […]

One Demo handles the front-end and back-end multi-part uploading of large files, resumed uploading at breakpoints, and instant uploading.

1Foreword File uploading is very common in project development. Most projects will involve the uploading of pictures, audios, videos, and files. Usually a simple Form can upload small files, but when encountering large files, such as more than 1GB, or When the user’s network is relatively slow, simple file upload is not applicable. The user […]

vue uses the Ace Editor to implement functions such as formatting code, downloading, copying, searching, and replacing

vue uses the Ace Editor to implement functions such as formatting code, downloading, copying, searching, and replacing Preface 1. What is Ace Editor? 2. Usage steps 1.Installation 2. Package components 3. Page introduction 3. Functions such as formatting, downloading, copying, searching, and replacing 1. Organize the format 2.Download 3.Copy 3.Search 4. Replacement Summarize Foreword Since […]

SuperMap iMobile for Android (2) map loading

This article mainly explains how to use the SuperMap iMobile development kit to load maps Article directory 1. Project creation 2. Build.gradle environment configuration 3. Permission configuration 4. SuperMap iMobile environment initialization 5. Map loading other problems 1. Project creation Import iMobile SDK According to the functional classification, import the required packages into the project […]

Java class loading mechanism (class loader, parent delegation model, hot deployment example)

Java class loading mechanism class loader Class loader execution flow Types of class loaders Relationships between loaders Main method of ClassLoader The difference between Class.forName() and ClassLoader.loadClass() Parental delegation model Parental delegation class loading process Advantages and Disadvantages Simple example of hot deployment Class loader Execution process of class loader Types of class loaders AppClassLoader […]

Java Lecture 6: Package import access modifiers final and static, static code blocks and image loading methods

Table of Contents 1. Package 2. import (import) keyword 3. Access modifiers 3. final keyword 4. static keyword 5. How to load images 1. Package If there is no package, a large project may need to create many, many class files. If the class name is a unique identifier, file name conflicts are likely to […]

Flume construction and installation When uploading HDFS web pages, the connection was refused…Trying::1…telnet: connect to address::1: Connection refused

Table of Contents 1. Flume 1.Features of Flume: 2. What can Flume do? 3. Flume collection and storage 4. Flume’s three major components 5. Flume official website connection Chinese version 2. Install Flume (1) Upload and decompress the software package (2) Configure environment variables 3. Test Flume (1) Edit the Flume configuration file and start […]

el-table merges cells while lazily loading the table

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=”UTF-8″> <!– import CSS –> <link rel=”stylesheet” href=””> </head> <body> <div id=”app”> <div> <div class=”preview app-container” ref=”preview”> <el-table :data=”tableData” height=”900″ :header-cell-style=”handerMethod” :span-method=”objectSpanMethod” border fit highlight-current-row style=”margin-top: 10px;” row-key=”id” lazy :load=”load” :tree-props=”{children:’children’,hasChildren:’hasChildren’}” @expand-change=”expandChange”> <el-table-column prop=’firstRisk’ label=’Level 1 Risk’ align=”center” type=”” :show-overflow-tooltip=”true”></el-table-column> <el-table-column prop=’secRisk’ label=’Second-level risk’ align=”center” type=”” :show-overflow-tooltip=”true”></el-table-column> <el-table-column prop=” label=’Early […]

vant ui compresses images before uploading (about 200K)

1. Components <template> <div class=”component-upload-image”> <van-uploader v-model=”fileList” style=”margin-right: 10px” accept=”image/gif, image/jpg, image/jpeg, image/png” :max-count=”5″ upload-icon=”plus” :before-read=”beforeRead” :before-delete=”beforeDelete” :after-read=”afterRead” capture=”camera” /> </div> </template> ? <script> import { getToken } from “@/utils/auth”; import { Toast } from “vant”; import axios from “axios”; import { getUploadFile } from “@/api/report”; ? export default { name: “UploadFileh5”, props: { value: […]