C++ language application project (array) – terrain height survey (simple version)

Table of Contents 1. Project structure: 2. File opening || closing 3. Reading files –> Adding defensive measures 4. Determine height –> Array and printing 5. All code presentation: 1. Project structure: 1. File opening || closing 2. File reading –> Add defensive measures 3. Determine height –> Array and printing 4. Example: (Save the […]

ScrollView nested ListView or ExpandableListView has sliding conflicts and height calculation errors.

Problem description ScrollView nested ListView or ExpandableListView has sliding conflicts and height calculation errors. Cause analysis: 1. Android officially does not recommend sliding nesting. The sliding nesting system cannot determine which control the sliding event is triggered in. 2. When ScrollView nests ListView, there will also be a problem that ListView only displays one row. […]

Use poi to copy the excel sheet page content into word to generate table cell content data copy tool: (font size, color, position, bold, underline… cell background color, width, height)

Styles include: 1. Fonts in cells 1.1 Fonts in cells: size, color, position, bold, underline… 2. Cell background color, width, height, wireframe… 2.1 The cell width is read from excel and scaled according to the working width of word 2.2 The cell height is the height read by excel /** * Font position mapping collection […]

EasyExcel basic operation-export [row height, column width, merge, freeze, etc.] import

Tip: After the article is written, the table of contents can be automatically generated. For how to generate it, please refer to the help document on the right. Article directory Preface 1. Dependence 2. Export to Excel 2.1. Basic export content 2.2. Simple style 2.3. Row height and column width 2.4. Column merging 2.5. Freeze […]

Binary tree traversal (recursive, non-recursive) and applications (constructing a binary tree, outputting leaf nodes, outputting the height of the tree…)…

The core issue of binary tree traversal is the linearization of two-dimensional structures (stacks, queues). Whether it is pre-order traversal, in-order traversal, or subsequent traversal, the route through the nodes during the traversal process is the same, but the timing of visiting each node is different. Each node has three access opportunities.? 1. Binary tree […]

Vue uses echart in el-tab (there is a problem that the canvas height and width are always 100px + echart adapts to changes in the outer div)

Problem 1: The canvas height and width are always 100px Solution: Use v-if, refer to https://blog.csdn.net/qq_42527726/article/details/106147539?utm_medium=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-2~default~baidujs_utm_term~default-0- 106147539-blog-132323416.235^v38^pc_relevant_default_base &spm=1001.2101.3001.4242.1 &utm_relevant_index=3 template part: <el-tabs v-model=”activeName” @tab-click=”handleClick”> <el-tab-pane label=”Running status” name=”first”> … </el-tab-pane> <el-tab-pane label=”Mirror data statistics” name=”second”> … </el-tab-pane> <el-tab-pane label=”Experimental Online People Statistics” name=”third”> <div v-if=”isshow” style=”height:500px;width:100%”> <myEcharts height=’100%’ width=’100%’></myEcharts> </div> </el-tab-pane> </el-tabs> script section: <script> […]

Virtual list – Vue3 implements a virtual scrolling list that can dynamically change height

Virtual list – Vue3 implements a virtual scrolling list that can dynamically change height Foreword In development, we often encounter problems with a large amount of rendering list data. Often we just simply traverse the rendering without paying too much attention to whether there will be performance problems. This results in that if the amount […]

Front-end lesson 2, HTML, alt, title, width/height, border, <a> hyperlink, target, tr, td, th

Table of Contents 1. title: ?2. alt 3. width/height 4. border 5. Hyperlink 6. target 7. tr 8. td 9.th 10. rowspan 一、title: Look at the beauty Yujie style <img src=” hhh.png” title=” like” > As long as your mouse is there, it will display the title logo behind you 2. alt My computer may […]

Web front-end-CSS basics: selectors (tags, classes, ids, wildcards), box size and background color, text control properties, font size, font style, line height, vertical centering of single-line text, font family, font composite properties, text (indent, alignment, decorative lines, color

Release Notes Current version number [20230920]. Version Modification instructions 20230920 First edition Directory Article directory Release Notes Table of contents Knowledge overview map CSS basics First experience with CSS CSS introduction method Selector tag selector class selector id selector wildcard selector Box size and background color text control properties font size Font style (whether it […]