[Voice playback] Voice signal playback based on matlab includes time domain diagram + frequency domain diagram

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For cooperation on MATLAB projects, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more complete Matlab code and simulation customization content, click Intelligent optimization algorithm […]

PHP Code of Conduct: allow_url_fopen and allow_url_include

Article directory refer to environment allow_url_fopen allow_url_fopen configuration item Manipulate remote files file protocol allow_url_include allow_url_include configuration item allow_url_include and allow_url_fopen the difference connect default allocation Exceptions caused by closing configuration items Runtime configuration ini_set() limit Reference Project Description Search Engine Bing, Google AI large model Wen Xinyiyan< /strong>, Tongyi Qianwen, iFlytek Spark Cognitive Model, […]

JS handwritten Promise includes instance methods (catch, finally) and static methods (resolve, reject, race, all, allSetted, any)

// Asynchronous execution using three asynchronous solutions queueMicrotask/MutationObserver/setTimeout Since the first two lower version browsers do not support the use of setTimeout function runAsynctask (callback) {<!– –> // If the current browser supports queueMicortask, then queueMicrotask===’function’ is established and directly use queueMicortask to handle asynchronous if (typeof queueMicrotask === ‘function’) {<!– –> queueMicrotask(callback) //queueMicrotask is […]

What components should be included in an intelligent question answering system based on a large language model?

A complete end-to-end Q&A system based on LLM should include user input verification, question offloading, model response, answer quality assessment, Prompt iteration, and regression testing. As the scale increases, the requirements around Prompt Version management, automated testing and security protection are also important topics. This article will explore this process. For some codes, refer to […]

System tasks$monitor,$time,$realtime,$finish,$stop,$readmemb,$readmemh,$random,`define,`include,`timescale

System tasks 1. System task $monitor $monitor provides the function of monitoring and outputting the expression or variable value in the parameter list. The output format rules in its parameter list are the same as $display. The difference with $display is that $display only runs once, while $monitor will be executed once whenever the value […]

Alipay payment docking – complete code included! !

Alipay docking Article directory Alipay docking 1. Outline 1.1 Overall business flow chart 1.2. Development flow chart 1.3. Core parameters 1.4. Alipay open platform 1.5. Payment application scenarios 1.6. Alipay settled in 2. Environment preparation 2.1 First register your own Alipay account 2.2 Sandbox environment 2.3 Supported product list 3. Project realization 3.1. Project code […]

The nginx configuration file nginx.conf does not include the server node

A compiled nginx.conf configuration, excluding the introduction of server nodes Please view the original text, Nginx configuration file (nginx.conf) configuration details # For more information on configuration, see: # * Official English Documentation: http://nginx.org/en/docs/ # * Official Russian Documentation: http://nginx.org/ru/docs/ #nginx users and groups are not specified under window. user user group; user nginx; #nginx […]

.NET 8 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) is now available and includes many important improvements for ASP.NET Core!

Table of Contents start Upgrade an existing project Servers and middleware HTTP/3 is disabled by default API writing Support for typing services in minimal API, MVC and SignalR Blazor Blazor Web App Template Update Discover static server-rendered components from additional assemblies Routing improvements Trigger page refresh Pass arbitrary properties to QuickGrid Determine if a form […]