Algorithms and Data Structures-Backtracking Algorithms

Article directory How to understand “backtracking algorithm”? Classic applications of two backtracking algorithms 0-1 backpack regular expression How to understand “backtracking algorithm”? Generally speaking, backtracking algorithms are often used in problems such as “search”. However, the search mentioned here does not refer in a narrow sense to the graph search algorithm we talked about before, […]

Further optimization of the operator speed of the goodFeaturesToTrack function (Harris corner point, Shi-Tomasi corner point detection) in Opencv (the 1920*1080 test image is processed in 11ms). …

I searched for a video de-noising algorithm that works very well. I feel that the effect is quite impressive, but the speed is relatively slow. If it can be done in real time, it will still be of great practical value. So I blindly chose this topic, and the first function I encountered was corner […]

[C Language] – Minesweeper Implementation – Idea Track

Table of Contents introduce Why divide files? Program to implement file selection operation Observe the logic of minesweeper (play the game and draw the scoop from the gourd) Implementation ideas: (Consider the implementation ideas and methods first, and then consider the files separately) Game interface design Game framework implementation Implementation of game function (game() function) […]

SpringBoot logback log printing adds trace_uuid tracking interface request output log (including thread pool unified configuration)

In order to facilitate project log query, you can add a custom identifier to the log configuration file and add a uuid to the log header to achieve the purpose of adding a unique identifier for the same interface request identifier. Here’s a simple way: 1. By looking at the slf4j source code comments, the […]

[Filter tracking] Based on probability hypothesis density combined with extended Kalman filter PHD-EKF to achieve multi-objective state estimation with matlab code

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For code acquisition, paper reproduction and scientific research simulation cooperation, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more Matlab complete code and simulation customization […]

[2023 MathorCup College Mathematical Modeling Challenge-Big Data Competition] Track A: Pothole road detection and identification based on computer vision python code analysis

[2023 MathorCup College Mathematical Modeling Challenge-Big Data Competition] Track A: Pothole road detection and identification based on computer vision python code analysis 1 Question Pothole detection and identification is a computer vision task that aims to identify roads with potholes from digital images, usually surface images of potholes. This is true for the earth. It […]

Track targets using opencv’s tracking module

OpenCV tracking module algorithm introduction OpenCV’s tracking module is a powerful tracking algorithm library that contains a variety of algorithms for tracking objects. It helps you locate an object such as a face, eye, vehicle, etc. in consecutive video frames. In the OpenCV tracking module, some of the main tracking algorithms include: Sparse optical flow: […]

Design of sun tracking system based on microcontroller

Everyone is welcome to like, collect, follow and comment. Due to limited space, only part of the core code is shown. For technical exchanges, please look for the contact information officially provided by CSDN below Article directory summary 1. Main content of design 2. Hardware circuit design 2.1 Selection of tracking control scheme 2.1.1 Selection […]