Gin-based HTTP proxy demo

After using TCP to simulate an HTTP proxy last time, I felt that it was still too crude. I wondered if I could use a framework to make something of practical use. So, just thinking about how to use golang’s Gin framework to implement one? Well, you heard it right, it is the gin framework. […]

Build an industry knowledge base based on LangChain+ChatGLM2-6B+embedding

Purpose: Recently, I have been exploring large model localization deployment + knowledge base to implement industry solutions, record the installation process, and share it with students who need it. It is very important to determine the version of each component before installation to avoid repeated installations. After reviewing a large amount of information, it can […]

Spring-Anotion-(Spring configures beans based on annotations)

1. Basic introduction and introductory cases of Spring’s annotation-based bean configuration 1. Basic introduction: Configure beans based on annotations, mainly components in project development, such as Action, Service, and Dao. 2. Commonly used component annotation forms are: @Component indicates that the current annotation identifies a component. @Controller indicates that the current annotation identifies a controller, […]

DevOps application solution based on Docker containers

Table of Contents Experimental requirements: 1. Preparation work 2.gitlab host operation 3. harbor host operation 4. jenkins host operation Write jenkins pipeline script Experimental requirements: 1. Deploy gitlab and upload the code of the above project to your own gitlab warehouse (the first host) 2. Deploy jenkins based on tomcat (second host) 3. Deploy harbor […]

Build a website using wordpress based on IIS under Windows Server

Article directory Preface 1. Components required to build a website in WordPress 2. Component installation and configuration 1. Enable IIS 2. Install and configure php 3. Install and configure MySQL 4. Install and configure wordpress 3. Analysis of error prompts and causes encountered Foreword When I was learning wordpress before, because I was not familiar […]

Discuss in detail the difference between the sliding window algorithm and the KMP algorithm and the scenarios in which they are used.

What is the sliding window algorithm The sliding window algorithm is an algorithm for solving subarray (or substring) problems within an array (or string). The algorithm works by maintaining a fixed-size window (usually two pointers) that slides over the array to find subarrays that match specific criteria. The basic idea of the algorithm is to […]

[Springboot] Based on annotation development Springboot-Vue3 integrates Mybatis-plus to implement paging query (2) – front-end el-pagination implementation

Series of articles [Springboot] Based on annotation development Springboot-Vue3 integrates Mybatis-plus to implement paging query – back-end implementation Article directory Series of articles system version Implement function Implementation ideas Data format passed in from backend frontendel-table Encapsulate axois interface Introducing the el-pagination paging component of Element-plus Axois gets background data System version Backend: Springboot 2.7, […]

With pictures and texts, we will teach you step by step how to use the OpenAI interface based on React+md to achieve the ChatGPT typewriter effect.

Preliminary preparation Front-end project Backend interface (OpenAI interface is enough) Start a new React project If you have existing projects, you can skip this step and go directly to the next step~ Next.js is a full-stack React framework. It’s versatile and allows you to create React apps of any size – from static blogs to […]

“Amazon Cloud Technology Product Review” event call for papers|Deploying JumpServer based on Amazon EC2 to achieve asset management

Authorization statement: This article authorizes the official Amazon Cloud Technology article to forward and rewrite the rights, including but not limited to Amazon Cloud Technology official channels such as Developer Centre, Zhihu, self-media platforms, third-party developer media, etc. Article directory Preface 1. What is EC2? 2. Deploy JumpServer based on Amazon EC2 1.EC2 environment initialization […]