Debugging tool under Linux-GDB

GDB 1.What is GDB GDB is a debugging tool provided by the GNU software system community. Together with GCC, it forms a complete development environment. GDB is the standard development environment for Linux and many Unix-like systems. Generally speaking, GDB can mainly provide help in the following four aspects: Start the program and run it […]

How to change the corresponding business logic in springboot without changing other people’s code

I think many people are like me and have the same confusion as the title. This problem has puzzled me for a long time, and now I have finally solved it. Next, let me take you through my thinking and solution process. Step one: Let’s build a simple springboot web project. pom.xml <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> […]

Monitoring tool: Prometheus monitoring middleware (Nginx, Redis, MySql, etc.)

Our products currently use middleware such as Nginx, Redis, RabbitMQ, MySql, etc. This article introduces how to use Promtheus to monitor these middleware. There is a picture in “Monitoring Tool: Introduction and Installation of Prometheus” that shows the data trend of Prometheus, as follows: As can be seen from the figure, the first step in […]

[Springboot] Based on annotation development Springboot-Vue3 integrates Mybatis-plus to implement paging query (2) – front-end el-pagination implementation

Series of articles [Springboot] Based on annotation development Springboot-Vue3 integrates Mybatis-plus to implement paging query – back-end implementation Article directory Series of articles system version Implement function Implementation ideas Data format passed in from backend frontendel-table Encapsulate axois interface Introducing the el-pagination paging component of Element-plus Axois gets background data System version Backend: Springboot 2.7, […]

Customization of HuggingFace model header

Recommended online tools: Three.js AI Texture Development Kit – YOLO synthetic data generator – GLTF/GLB online editing – 3D model format online conversion – Programmable 3D scene editor In this article we’ll cover how to adapt HuggingFace’s model to your task, build a custom model header in Pytorch and connect it to the body of […]

yolov5onnx’s INT8 quantization engine

There are big guys on GitHub who have written the code. In theory, you can just clone the repository and use it. git clone Then modify the following parameters in of yolov5_tensorrt_int8_tools BATCH_SIZE model quantifies how many pictures are input at a time BATCH model quantization times height width Enter the width and […]

[Open Source Project] Research on snakeflow process engine

Project address (recommended) Common API Deployment process processId = engine.process().deploy(StreamHelper. getStreamFromClasspath(“test/task/simple/leave.snaker”), null, 10001L); Create process instance Order order = engine.startInstanceById(processId, “1”, args); Perform tasks List<Task> tasks = engine.executeTask(activeTasks.get(0).getId(), “1”); Get a person’s tasks that require approval List<Task> activeTasks2 = engine.query().getActiveTasks(new QueryFilter().setOperator(“admin”)); Leave process xml configuration <process displayName=”Leave process test” instanceUrl=”/snaker/flow/all” name=”leave”> <start […]

k-Wave丨Photoacoustic imaging simulation丨Definition of Gaussian sensor frequency response + comparison of simulation functions + setting of initial pressure gradient (5)

This article introduces– 1.How to define Gaussian sensor frequency response: How to express the frequency response of a detector (for example: piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer) when the response has a Gaussian shape, based on the example of a homogeneous propagation medium; 2.Comparison of simulated functions: Introducing a brief comparison between the simulated functions “kspaceFirstOrder2D” and “kspaceecondorder”. […]